
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by SPL4TTERMAN, Oct 25, 2012.


    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well, with only weeks before the release of Halo 4, I've decided to post this map now, as I know it'll get no attention once November 6th rolls around.


    Horizon is a symmetrical objective based map. It consists mainly of a linear bridge-type structure with two bases, one at either end. There are three ways to enter the enemy base, straight across the 'bridge', down across the walkways on either side, or by taking the Man Cannons across.

    There are wall-shields at the end of either walkway, to prevent constant long range sniping, but on the other hand, I decided to put Fusion Coils next to the capture plate as a hail mary, so a clever sniper could single-handedly save the game.



    4x DMR
    2x Shotguns
    1x Grenade Launcher
    2x Sniper Rifle
    2x Ghosts
    2x Med-Kits


    Among other things, there is a Ghost there for clearing out the walkways in a team siege of the enemy base, but I wouldn't recommend staying in one for too long, they're liable to fall over. Also, Jump-Pads! Yes, I decided to include these in there to jump on top of each tower, where the Sniper Rifle spawns. It is convenient, and takes up less room on the map, unfortunately, it's a ***** to make.


    Anyways, if you're still on Reach, feel free to download this! It is recommended playing this map without Armor Abilities, aside from Sprint.


    - Also, a special thanks to Redy, who let me test this in many of his custom lobbies.

  2. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    So this map is basicly super tiny narrows 2.0 Cause that sure is what it looks like :p

    The asthetics are fine. The ghost (even if you said it works) worries me though. And over all it reminds me of a 3 teired bridge map i tried to make once. Good job.

    However can you get BEHIND the base because it sure looks like you can in pic 1. Also 8 people!?!?!?!? that map looks like it could barely support 1 XD
  3. Alpine Drift v

    Alpine Drift v Promethean

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    It would support 8, fine.

    A pretty big problem I can see is there is a big lack of driving routes for the ghost and practiclly no cover for the bridge. Pretty nice aesthetics though, the bridge is my favourite.
  4. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    I meant it more as how tiny it looks Alpine
  5. lapiscool

    lapiscool Promethean

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    It looks nice and I like the layout, reminds me of those weird 's' things we drew back in middle school. However, it feels too open. I feel like I'll be battling spawn deaths in a game. Also, I'm sure 8 can play on this; however that would be the most intense game ever played just due to the size of the map.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I definitely kept spawn killing in mind, considering the map is so small, which is why I put shield doors at the end of each walkway, and in front of each 'base'.
  7. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    I like the way this looks but this is way too small to support 4v4 gameplay(2v2 maybe). I dont see how using a ghost in this map works since theres barely anyroom to drive it and jacking it would be to easy. I think you should make more of a base on both sides, add at least 2 more walkways so you dont have head on fire fights over and over again. With a map this size, you should have a good amount of budget left to spend. Use It!

    ( A little offtopic, Post 100 guys I finally made it ^_^ )

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