Hello all, I am looking for some particular stuff, and I have some stuff I'm willing to trade. I will not give you everything for one item either, we're talking one for one pretty much, unless you have something crazy. What I'm looking for: Corrosive E-tech Sniper (Level 50 Pink) Cold Steel (Siren Head) Shrapnel Slayer (Siren Head) Lovely Corpse (Mechromancer Head) Incinerary E-tech Sniper (Level 50 Pink) Bee shields with a capacity over 20,000 Sunny Blockhead (Level 50 Blue/Orange Shotgun - Minecraft area) Sticky Longbow Electric Leech Grenade Mod (Level 50 Orange) Various Elemental Tediore Sportsman Shotguns (Level 50) Corrosive/Incinerary/Shock E-tech Splat Shotguns (Level 50 Pink) What I have to trade: Special Edition: Snowblind (Commando Head - Limited Edition) Shadaloo Stylish (Commando Head) Bone Blinder (Commando Head) Kawaii Killer (Rare Siren Head) Special Edition: Clean Shave (Siren Head - Limited Edition) Alienati0n (Assassin Head) Special Edition: F0rg0tten (Assassin Head - Limited Edition) Boatmurderer (Rare Gunzerker Head) Special Edition: Private Eyes (Gunzerker Head - Limited Edition) Special Edition: Skin (Limited Edition - All 4 Main Characters) Original Deliverance (Level 50 Orange Shotgun) Conference Call (Level 50 Orange Shotgun) Legendary Siren Class Mod Legendary Hunter Class Mod Legendary Berzerker Class Mod Legendary Soldier Class Mod Blood of Terramorphous Relic Sledge's Shotgun (Level 50 Orange Shotgun) Got/Want it? PM me.
Are those heads drops that you already had before, or did someone give them to you? Man i've never had one of those badass heads drop. Also, when you say legendary class mods, do you mean orange class mods, or class mods that actually have legendary in their name. There is the terramorphous class mod which is +4 to skills and the legendary version which is +5 to more skills, with even better benefits to cooldown rate and damage. But yeah... i'm on pc.
Some of the heads I found, others were given to me. The Legendary Class mods I am referring to are all 4 Level 50 orange mods that are called exactly what I labeled them. They all have +5 to skills with the cooldown rates and damage.
i got a sunnyblockhead and bee shields for the special edition assassin head you wanna dup it ? if so send me a mssg on xbox
Response to trade post. Hi. If you're willing to dupe these for me, I would greatly, greatly appreciate it. I've been farming, and asking around for them, with absolutely no luck. Blood of Terramorphous Relic, Kawaii Killer (Siren head), and Boat Murderer (Gunzerker head)