Rock Slide (First Post! Apologies if I goof on something, but I'm pretty sure I got the rules down) One day, some time ago, I was goofing off in forge world trying to come up with some sort of idea. I was going through all the pieces looking for some sort of inspiration. All of a sudden I noticed that the rock walls along the cliff faces in the Blood Gulch area line up pretty well with some of the building pieces. Inspiration! Now, I will be the first to admit that this map has come a long way from what I originally started from. As I'm sure most of you can imagine what a bunch of pieces thrown on the side of a cliff looks like with a bunch of bridges connecting them. However, even with all the changes I really wanted to stick close to that original idea. TLDR: Builds on cliff faces is hideous to look at. Needed MOAR. I would describe this map as a big two base, multi-tiered, asymmetrical map. Complete with vehicle, close quarter, cover-based, and ranged combat. Map made on a combination of environmental and scratch forging. Suggest Players:8-16 (Two Team) Game Types: Team Slayer, Assault, Capture The Flag (All variations compatible) Starting Budge: 10k End Budget: 225 Map Break Down: Over Head of the Entire Map- Red Base Bottom-Blue Base Top- Note the structure to the far right is out of bounds and water on the left is playable to the normal boundaries. Over Head Red Only -Inside Red Base AKA Sky Room *Note- Capture/Plant Point located here. -Red Base- Main Ground Entrance -Red Base: Spawning Area/ Ramp to Tier Two -Red Base: Exit to the Bridge *Note* Vehicle spawn below this point. Under The Bridge: *Note* You may drive/walk over and under the rock formation below. Also, rock on the opposing side is climbable to allow ground access to the bridge. Blue Base: Bridge Exit *Note* To the right is the entrance from the beach. Also, to the left, the cave is operational. Blue Base: Over Head (Sorry, it was hard to get a decent picture of the middle chunk here) Sorry for the bulging rock. Blue Base: Main Ground Entrance *Note* Vehicles spawn behind this structure and will exit around this point. Blue Base: Furthest Side-Showing Many Tiers *Note* Gravlift to the top. Also in the back ground you'll find one entrance to Blue Base's Capture/Plant Point. Blue Base: Spawning Area/ Vehicle Spawn *Note* Man Cannon for quick access to the top tier. This map highly encourages you to find way to move around. Nearly every surface in this map is climbable and is meant to be used (Excluding some possible forge goofs). I want games to find their own way to play this map and find what works best for them (My newest discovery is you can literally drive a warthog to any point in this map). I would love to know what you guys find out, as well as ways you think I can improve the map. If you do manage to get a big game going, please send me an invite because I have yet to play with any more than 8 people. Cheers! ______________________ Alright gentlemen, I have taken your suggestions into account. May I introduce my solutions. I have littered the hell out of the middle of the map at this point. The New Gooey Center! *Note, the side rocks have been pulled in as well** The Neutral Bomb/Flag Spawn The Beach Only because I forgot it in the original post LINK! Just would like to thank you all again for your help. I look forward to seeing more of you all in Halo 4!
This looks pretty interesting, but I see a couple of problems from the overview. I'll download it and take a better look some time this week hopefully. It looks very open in the center and enough lacking infantry suited locations to the right side. With that said, I imagine infantry will be reluctant to leave their bastioned bases while vehicles just drive around the center. I would suggest that you place more structural items in those open areas, create more infrantry based locations, create a vehicle circuit using the aforementioned structure if you can, and tone the bases down some to discourage players players from thinking they can win by simply hiding there. However, this is coming from somebody who isn't too familiar with BTB
I think there should be a banshee/power weapon in the middle, or a middle base. surrounded by some "SPIRE'S" from the natural category for covor. It would help it alot
Thanks you two! I can agree with the open place in the center of the map. The intent was to promote a little vehicle combat as well as a challenge for teams to not just rush the flag/bomb through the center of the map (which would be the fastest). However I do like the idea of putting something there, the only problem would be finding something with the money I have left. It'll be a challenge indeed!
If you want to prevent rushing as well. add cover so they have to maneuver around everything. If you add a machinegunturret mount to the top of each base they can also better protect against their flag.
Thanks for the suggestions, updated the map using your suggestions. I have updated my original post and provided a new link! For those of you that did download it, I'm curious to your thoughts on how it played?