I originally made this map for fun but i thought it would be cool to add an infection game type to it. It's a generic zombie apocalypse city map, not the most interesting map but i don't think it's that bad it's not going to be to everyone's taste though. For starters i would like to point out that this map is designed for full parties as it is rather big and open making small games rather boring as there's not enough zombies, i think 3-4 alpha zombies would be enough. I've tried to make the map less campy by adding kill barriers and making holes in the walls where zombies can get in. I added a couple of magnums around the map should you enable weapons, they are often close to zombie spawns though but can replenish ammo. As for the spawns i tried to place them along the perimeter of the map so that zombies could come from all areas, their initial spawn is in a tower on the far side of the map but they can re spawn around the map making it easier for the zombies to gang up on humans giving them more of a fighting chance. As for the humans there's plenty of buildings to hide in with multiple entrances though some are a bit hard for the zombies to access which is why i strongly recommend 3-4 alpha zombies in case the humans rush to a certain building so the zombies can attack from both sides effectively. The aesthetics aren't that great and i think i went a bit too far with the ruined buildings toppling over each other and i do think it's rather spacey compared with most infected city maps and there's a few bridges here and there which may cause a problem for the zombies but there are alternate paths. One problem however is the helipad as there is a long bridge which would be hard for zombies to get across but there is a grav lift in front of a zombie spawn on the other side for the zombies to jump across but due to limited budget it was the last resort. There are several paths for the Zombies to take from their initial spawn, they can go towards the city square to tackle the humans head on and then there's the sewer route which takes them straight towards the human spawn and there is a long bridge which goes to the other side of the sewers and towards a broken bridge (leaning on it's side) leading to the grav lift spawn, there are also grav lifts off some of the bridges so the zombies can jump quickly to a particular area of the map. Sorry for the lack of pictures but i have a video to make up for it here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAyoAZ1_89U (i kinda rushed this post so i could get it out ASAP) leave feedback if you want, if anything is wrong with the map, you can tell me but i probably wont be able to fix it as i used up all my kill barriers and all my budget but i might be able to solve small problems such as spawns, I'd rather have spawn suggestions. if you like what you see, please download and play with your friends till halo 4 comes out.
i have a youtube video link it just won't embed on the page for some reason the images work fine for me i think it must be a problem with your pc.
This map looks kind of sloppy and you used buildings. Never use buildings because they cost alot and they take away from you being creative. I know its an Infection map but there no need to just throw things the way they are
Not exactly true. As long as you use them in a different way and make sure they merge with their environment, it can work out. (Without bragging, but take a look at my map Deadborough.)
I've seen that map it looks great gj man. though i do partly agree with the buildings it's best to keep them to a minimum, trouble is you only have 100 blocks and i wanted my map to be open and there was a lot of space left in the map so i just had to go with buildings thank god halo 4 will fix this (i will have to admit the room's on the northeast side of the map were unnecesarry but i added them there for a backdrop, i could have removed the smaller rooms though i guess). as for the aesthetics i went crazy and broke everything up maybe a bit too much but i like it though and it gave me a massive advantage because making it neat would have made it look worse especially since it's infection. Thanks for the feedback anyways.