District 38 District 38 - The Zombie Campaign -Featured ForgeHub Map -1st Place: Hub of the Dead III Click the image in the spoiler to view the Feature!: Spoiler Hey there ForgeHub community (again)! Well, after quite a few months of trying to get lobbies, successful and unsuccessful testing, finalizing and collecting feedback, I am proud to say that the District 38 series is finally here, and finally finished. Countless hours went into this project. It wasn't easy and I couldn't have done it without all of the people who had the map packs. Even though Halo 4 is coming, it is still worth letting this pair of maps be given to the public. About District 38: Your objective is simple: get the hell out of the city, before you go to **** with it. Throughout your journey, you will notice weapons scattered, old areas that looked as if the military once held a strong resistance against the infection. Events occurred differently in reality then they did in your dreams. The good news is that you are not alone during your journey to freedom and your fight for survival. You have a small group of human remnants that seek the same goal you do. It isn't much, but its what you got and its better then nothing. How it Works: District 38 is a zombie campaign in which consists of two parts (two maps). Each map is a linear/progression/journey map which takes place along the outer perimeter of headlong. Both maps where designed with **** zombies from WaW and BLOPS in mind, but they in a more one way linear path. However, the maps hold a very strong ODST type of theme, which is something you never really see in Reach. Gametype Settings: This gametype is based off the zm_Outbreak gametype by RivalMass, a.k.a. Oakley HiDef. Spoiler Humans Primary Weapon: AR No secondary No starting grenades No shields No equipment 200% Damage Resistance 110% Damage Modifier 100% Speed Weapon Pickup ENABLED Motion Tracker: Normal - 25 Meters Last Man Standing 110% Speed 1.5 Overshields Zombies 2 Starting Zombies 100% Damage Modifier 125% Melee Modifier 150% Damage Resistance Equipment - Sprint (UNLIMITED) 110% Speed 125% Jump Height Motion Tracker: Enhanced - 25 Meters General Time Limit: 4 Minutes 4 Rounds Suicide becomes zombie Map Misc Red = Door is CLOSED White = Door is OPEN Part 1: Part 1 Download: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/haloreach/filebrowser/Details/31139962 Part 1 takes you through the small office passage and maintenance sections. Phase 1: Your journey begins on the street. The roads are blocked, but there is an alley way up ahead which will get you out of the danger zone (or will it...). Soft kills are placed on the human spawn and on the ledge that the zombies come from. Area Stats: Spoiler Weapons: AR x4 DMR x1 Pistol x3 Shotgun x1 Misc: Access to Phase 2 - 3:00 (60 Seconds) Main Zombie Teleporter - 3:55 (5 Seconds) Human Spawn. Alley, entrance to Phase 2. Humans holdin' them off from the streets. Zombie entrance from ledge on street. Phase 2: This is the largest phase on the map. Head upstairs to where you will find the entrance to the maintenance sections. Zombies will come from where you came and from the third floor. The mini first part of the mini-warehouse has soft-kill boundaries to prevent camping and hiding. Area Stats: Spoiler Weapons: AR x7 DMR x1 Pistol x2 Shotgun x2 Frag x3 Misc: Health Pack x1 Alt Zombie Teleporter - 2:30 (90 Seconds) Access to Phase 3 - 2:15 (105 Seconds) Warehouse entrance. Lobby entrance. Lobby overview. 2nd floor Entrance to maintenance, zombie entrance. Zombie entrance above stairwell. Humans holdin' them off from the 2nd floor. Phase 3: You are in the maintenance tunnels, specifically in the main ventilation shaft room. Zombies will come from the area that you just came and from the air shaft. Area Stats: Spoiler Weapons: AR x3 DMR x1 Pistol x3 Shotgun x1 Grenade Launcher x1 - 2 Spare Spartan Laser x1 Misc: Health Pack x1 Alt Zombie Teleporter - 1:45 (135 Seconds) Access to Phase 4 - 1:25 (155 Seconds) Main overview. Backside view, air shaft. Weapons stash. Human perspective. Phase 4: More of a two part area. To get to the second half, knock down the small crate barricade. Hold out as long as you can from here. This area is the last of Part 1. Area Stats: Spoiler Weapons: AR x1 DMR x1 Shotgun x1 Sniper x1 - 1 Spare Rockets x1 Misc: Health Pack x1 Alt Zombie Teleporter - 1:10 (170 Seconds) Phase 4 overview. Alt zombie teleporter. Box barricade. Phase 4.5 overview. Behind the vent shaft. Part 2 preview. END OF PART 1 Part 2 Begins on first reply below...
Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Download: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/haloreach/filebrowser/Details/31139978 Part 2 is the second and final half of the journey. You make your way out of the maintenance section, through the office storage/basement and depart from the harbor. Phase 1: Your journey continues right where you left off. You have blown down the gridlock barricade. Zombies will come from both ahead of you and behind you, right off the spawn, so watch yourself. Zombie passageways are somewhat blocked, but have soft-kill boundaries to prevent abusing zombie spawns. Have your teammates cover the zombie spawns until you can proceed to the next phase. Area Stats: Spoiler Weapons: AR x6 DMR x1 Pistol x7 Shotgun x1 Frag x3 Misc: Health Pack x1 Access to Phase 2 - 3:00 (60 Seconds) Human spawn, zombie entrance behind. Overview of phase 1. Shotgun overview. AR/Nade stash. Zombie entrance, basement access tunnel (phase 2). Basement access tunnel (phase 2 entrance). Phase 1 is an area that the zombies can take full advantage of the humans, so use caution. Phase 2: By far the hardest area of the map. The basement features multiple zombie entrances and a test of survival. Grab as much ammunition as possible and take a few teammates up to the railing. Make your defense from there. If you sit in the access room to phase 3, then you are a sitting duck. Area Stats: Spoiler Weapons: AR x2 DMR x1 Pistol x4 Shotgun x2 Frag x4 Rockets x1 Misc: Health Pack x1 Alt Zombie Teleporter 1 (Level 1) - 2:35 (85 Seconds) Alt Zombie Teleporter 2 (Level 2) - 2:25 (95 Seconds) Access to Harbor (Phase 3) - 1:50 (130 Seconds) Phase 2 overview from entrance. Upper view of phase 2. Bottom view 1. Bottom view 2. Shotgun spawn, at the very bottom of the room. Exit to harbor. Railing view, 2nd zombie entrance and Heartlessniper holding strong defense position. Phase 3: The finale of the zombie campaign. If you have made it this far, congratulations, as it is no easy feat. At this area you are supplied with more weapons then you can handle. It is just up to you to survive as long as you can. Area Stats: Spoiler Weapons: AR x8 DMR x2 Pistol x1 Shotgun x1 - 1 Spare Frag x3 Sniper x1 - 1 Spare Grenade Launcher x1 - 2 Spare Spartan Laser x1 Turret x1 Misc: Health Pack x1 Alt Zombie Teleporter - 1:10 (170 Seconds) Passage to harbor. Health/Frag stop. Turn left from red light. Out of the structure. Overview of passage. Backside perspective. Harbor entrance. Harbor overview. Harbor overview 2. Dock, sniper location. Main boat, shotgun/rocket location. Zombie teleporter for phase 3. Watch out for the zombies from above. That raps things up folks! Extra Shots: Spoiler Special Thanks: Spadez N AZ - Loyal and dedicated tester/letting me throw this up during custom game night/coming out for nearly every test game. WARH0LIC - For sticking behind me and believing in this project. Your feedback helped out a lot and thanks for coming out whenever you could. Oakley HiDef - For promising a THFE feature and for your feedback. Thanks a bunch. AJ Yusi - Loyal and dedicated tester. Your presence during customs made things fun! Flashbang4321 - Loyal and dedicated tester/somebody I could always count on. Heartlessniper - Loyal and dedicated tester/somebody I could always count on/greatest Halo player to ever walk the face of the earth. PAINTS 420 - For the helpful feedback towards this project. Everything really helped man. The Dying Love - Even though you weren't around for a majority of the tests, your support for these maps are greatly appreciated! To everyone that had the anniversary maps, who sat waiting for more people to join, who contributed to this maps final outcome - You guys are awesome! Thank you! If you managed to read everything, thank you. Please give the map a download as it would help a bunch. Feedback is more then appreciated! Hope you enjoy!
The theme here is pulled off really well, I certainly have not seen the level of detail found in many of the areas in an infection map before. The biggest aesthetic blip to me however were the kill balls. While they do look like fire, Kill balls are so recognizable and, at least for me, they tend to throw you off when you see one and break the theme. Have you thought about instead having a timed explosion so that right before the first players reach the area there is smoke and fire coming up from behind the wreckage? A tank would work really well for that and it would probably cost less to place it and the explosive than to place 2 kill balls. Aside from that, a few areas look a bit cramped for humans trying to defend against the zombie horde, but I have not played the map (no anniversary) and linear infection is very subjective to the custom settings. I like what I can see from the pictures however, a very good job Cassel.
Woah, picture overkill Anyway, I really like the looks of this map, you definitely did a good job implementing both pre-built Breakneck features and forged objects into the map, and they're merged together very well. However, what I never really liked in your maps and still don't like, are the teleporters to proceed to the next phase and the overload of DMRs present on the map. Teleporters look pretty ugly and never really seem to fit into an Infection map. What's more, they can get really laggy and after a blackscreen they tend to disappear. DMRs are never a smart plan, because it's amazingly easy to slaughter the zombies one by one if you have one guy in your squad wielding a DMR. And I can tell from own experience that it sucks being a zombie in such occasions. That's why I myself never use more than just one DMR in my Infection maps. Magnums are a different story though, so you might want to replace most of your DMRs with magnums if you agree with me. I'm not sure about Breakneck, but I do know Ridgeline was a ***** map to forge on, so kudos anyways for forging a map on an Anniversary canvas!
As i repeat Oakley Hidefs words : This is awesome, i am still stunned on how you pulled this off. Right of the bat i would say, best map made on breakneck ever. Man i just dont know where to start, i really hope Oakley is going to do an feature on this, i want to see some quality gameplay on this. The atmosphere is really fitting for this, and you have used the space around you very well, the things that already are there. It really feels like you have an goal, you have to make it to the end, with all your friends. I just love the way the harbor looks, must be fun and challenging to hold out in. So.. Casselfield, you did it again, amazed me. Magma Mines is one of my favorite infection maps, and it seems that these maps are joining the list. Man, awesomely good job Cassel.
From the remarks of the map, people must enjoy this. I have never seen a quality Breakneck map that has caught my eye. From what I see, this looks like it is a promising, solid map. 2 things I do not like, however, are the kill balls and the dock. In a few places, the pieces are discolored and don't look the nicest. I had that same issue when forging in the cave. Not fun. Also, the harbor's boats look awkward and chunky. Other than that, the map seems to be a fun infection map that I'd love to get a game on and check this out.
So this is 3 maps put together to make this? this looks like a very fun zombie map. I've spotted some z fighting but honestly who cares,as long as the humans arent too over powered this is a great map
@FlyingshoeILR: I thought about that but the area I worked with was pretty awkward (It is actually . I also had to consider the space I could use, combined with framerate, etc. But the killballs were placed more to give the player a sense of direction. The message to the player should be 'don't go here', but rather go to an area that is safer (if you see where I am getting at). Thanks man I appreciate it. @REMKings: Yea, I had to make this thread in two posts for a reason! For Breakneck, I only had the luxury of using teleporters. But I typically choose teleporters in my linear maps because a player can't break a teleporter. Whenever I play maps that use crates/gravlifts, I noticed players can easily knock the crates out of place, causing the doorway to break. I used to (well actually, I still do) get mad at players for it, but I realized that the first thing they think when they see a crate is that you have to move it physically. The other solution I thought about using was one way shields. However, I didn't have that luxury on breakneck. Even so, I never liked them because you could never really tell when they opened. They look nearly the same when you look at them. Teleporters can reset after blackscreen, but everything does as well. Crates, shield doors, gravlifts, anything that is set not to be placed at start is bound to reset with the map. As for the DMRs, they are justified with how the map plays out. Each area increases difficulty. A DMR in phase (part 1) 1 is balanced, because it helps keep the zombies back to an extent and it is used as a backup weapon if your teamates fail their teamshots. Theres a teleporter that drops in about halfway into Phase 1 (on the upper walkway on 3rd floor). So it eliminates the humans that stand too far forward and a DMR can be used then as a backup weapon in that case to prevent too many humans from getting wiped out. A DMR in phase 2 is balanced because of the space you are given. A DMR with 100% and a tight space justifies the use of it. by then about 2-3 humans have been infected, so the number of zombies have increased to a large enough amount to start overtaking the humans. Phase 3 is when you have lost a majority of your teamates. You now half to consider how many zombies are coming, how fast are you shooting your DMR for bloom to be a problem and how fast you can kill all the zombies. By phase 4, if you made it that far, then you get what you want because by now all of your teammates have been killed off and it is only a matter of time with yourself. Might as well go out with a bang (it isn't very long). DMRs is justified on all phases on part 2 because of the overall map difficulty. Phase 1 DMR helps fend off the zombies, making the humans trip through phase 2 as easy as possible. Phase 2 DMR is pretty hard (it used to be A LOT harder) so it balances out. Phase 3, most of your teamates have been killed and zombies come from multiple directions, so once again I just gave everyone what they wanted in hopes for holding out as long as they can (which isn't very long either). Magnums are decent but they can't balance the same way as the DMR could on these maps. Breakneck was a pain. I encountered a lot of glitches, forcing me to spend hours to go back and fix. It was worth it in the end though. Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it! @SpartanPeter: Somebody likes that map! Yes! haha thanks a bunch it means a lot. @Minister Muffiin: Checkback at my respone to Flyingshoe regarding the killballs. The pieces in some parts of the map are personal preference. Some people like certain forging then others. But I acknowledge that there are times when there is straight up poor forging. The boats were tricky because I didn't have much pieces (Breakneck has an incomplete forge pallet compared to FW). I also had to compact them into a certain area of the water, because 343 put the softkills on the water way too close to shore. It made best with what I had. Thanks for the feedback though. Everything helps! @Cheiyijei: 2 maps that took too long to make! Thanks!
As I was able to play this map, I was noticing quite a few things. I was on and off the xbox throughout this map, so I didn't necessarily get to be a part of the entire map, but I heard that people, for the most part, liked the map. However, there were things people did not like. It seems as though the map itself was reused. Most of the map was just put together rooms to make a linear progression map. The parts that were forged, though, such as the kill balls, the harbor, or the path to the harbor are very sloppy. The harbor looks just fine with the street. Having those blocks there covering it up is just wasting your budget and items that can go toward benefitting other parts of your map. In fact, there were many pieces that weren't required by any means, such as the back wall next to the building on part 2 at the last zombie teleporter. Not only that, but there are quite a few very bright or very dark pieces that you can clearly see in the pictures. I noticed in a few places where there was some z fighting taking place. Finally, there is a spot to the far right (If you are looking at the harbor from the water) that is hidden and contains quite a few red pallets, none of which are required since the area is soft killed. If you were meaning to just put some form of platform there, you don't need 6 pallets to do so. Gameplay wise, the map played decently, but given the fact that we played only 3 rounds of each, I couldn't get a grasp on the map. It seems you have an excessive amount of weapons on the map that wouldn't all be useful for the humans, but again, only 3 rounds played. In summary, both parts seem to play well, but are not very aesthetically pleasing.
Or you can just make them unbreakable, like I do as well as many others Lol jk, it's alright if you prefer it that way. I like using one way shields every once in a while, but not too often, because they look bad 90% of the time and they take away a lot of your budget. For next time, try to think of more original ways! There are plenty of ways to make such "gates". And I now understand why you had to use DMRs, thanks for making that clear!