Made by PIayer 0 Doom Corridor One Final Stand Download Map Download Gametype Description: Players spawn on one side of a long corridor, while the zombie spawns on the other side. The human side of the corridor also acts as an armory with choices of magnums, battle rifles, assault rifles, and shotguns. It is the zombies' job to cross the corridor to infect the other players. The problem is that the zombie has incredible resistance to bullets but is extremely slow-moving. The humans must suppress the zombie with gunfire and their conveniently infinite grenades. But without enough firepower, the humans will eventually fall. To help out the humans against their powerful foe, a machine gun turret will appear after 30 seconds after the round starts. Also, the humans' most powerful weapon in their arsenal will appear after 2 minutes: the flamethrower. Humans can probably take out 3 zombies at a time with the flamethrower. To combat the flamethrower, a powerup for the zombies will appear, giving them double their damage resistance. Human Traits Humans start off with a magnum and must quickly grab their weapon of choice at the beginning of the round. Humans also have infinite grenades. Zombie Traits Alpha Zombie has 4x overshields, 500% damage resistance, and is immune to headshots. The zombie may look too tough, but once all the humans start throwing grenades at him, his shields wear off rather quickly. Regular zombies have the same traits, but are not immune to head shots. Last Man Traits The Last Man Standing will deal more damage than previously. Also, considering that he is surrounded by powerful zombies, it will now take 3 sword slashes to effectively kill him. [img width=800 height=600][/img] Work together to bring down the zombies [img width=800 height=600][/img] View of Corridor from Human Armory [img width=800 height=600][/img] Corridor Structure [img width=800 height=600][/img] Zombie Spawn/Laboratory [img width=800 height=600][/img] The powerful Flamethrower [img width=800 height=600][/img] A zombie lurks... Suggestions are greatly appreciated as well as constructive criticism. Hopefully, this map lives up to the standards here at Forge Hub. New Look! Feedback needed [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=7][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img]
Re: Doom Corridor I can't honestly say whether the map lives up to any standards, as I have yet to play it. However, I will go ahead and say that your post blew most others out of the water. Great job! The map doesn't look interesting at all, but that doesn't mean it's bad, either. In fact, it looks like this is one where the gametype makes the game. I can imagine the highly intense battles as the zombie gets closer and closer. I'll queue it, and let you know what I think. In the meantime, try thinking of any possible way in which you could better the map's environment. For instance, what kind of feel are you trying to develop here? Terror? If so, what props would further that? Does the geometry of the level reflect the tension in the air? Those kind of questions can further your map a great deal. =) Cheers.
Re: Doom Corridor I agree, you should see my thread rofl, destroys mine. Anyways I see what you are going for here. I was tempted to make a map with this sort of gametype. Although I have yet to do it maybe I won't have to if yours is amazing. I think I will queue it and see what it is like.
Re: Doom Corridor I agree with Lance on the fact that this is a very nice looking post (finally got a word in before me, eh Lance?). I can tell by the pics that you've tested this map before you posted it, and that is always a plus. My major concern is that it might not be fun for the zombies. I haven't played it yet, so i don't know, but do they just basically walk toward the humans and absorb bullets? Can they shoot back at all? Can they take cover to recharge their shields? Some possible additions to this game would be a second hallway that spawns a couple minutes into the game. It wouldn't be too hard to do. You could stack it on top of the existing hallway and have grav lifts spawn at each end, part way through the game. It would be intense if the humans had to split their firepower into two hallways. Another possible idea is to give the alpha zombie a BR or AR but with reduced damage. That way, he could shoot at the humans to make them back up for their shields to recharge. It would be intense to have to decide between ducking back to let your shields recharge or standing your ground to kill the zombie, and risk your own life. Anyway, it's up to you. But like I said, very nice post.
Re: Doom Corridor I agree wholeheartedly with Furious (and don't I always, Furious?). As a Zombie, I foresee boredom in merely walking. Another hallway would be interesting, but might negate the focus of this specific map. However, I like the idea of a gun with reduced damage. Balance is key in Infection games...otherwise, one team will always enjoy the game while the other suffers miserably ("OH, PLEASE, DON'T MAKE ME BE THE ZOMBIE!"). =)
Re: Doom Corridor Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I'll definitely keep those in mind when trying to update this map. (Previously I thought it was perfect). I really didn't know that this map could be greatly improved. I'll probably add the BR idea given by Furious D 18
Re: Doom Corridor Lol, most maps can be improved, even mine. Unlike the conduct on the Bungie forums, you'll get real feedback here, not just "ur maps sweet, check out mine". Welcome to Forge Hub. By the way, if you come across someone named SargeantSarcasm, he'll claim that his maps are perfect and that they cannot be improved. Don't listen.
Re: Doom Corridor Haha, listen to Sarge. He'll keep your ego down. =D But, yeah, no map is perfect. No matter what they say, there's always room for improvement.
Re: Doom Corridor Nice post. This map almost reminds me a little of tunnel raid, in the fact there there is well... a tunnel. I would definatley listen to what some of the members (AKA Lance and Furious) have said and put in those few changes. If you stick around on the site you will find that Furious will fix any mistake you make even if you thought it was flawless. -Donuts
Re: Doom Corridor Wow, there it is. I forgot about tunnel raid. I was like, this looks remotely familiar but I don't remember.
Re: Doom Corridor That's because I have nothing better to do with my time. It's sad, really. But when my 360 is fixed I'll be playing way more than posting. Ok, back on topic. Does it spawn right at the mouth of the tunnel? That might be too powerful for the humans. But again, I haven't played so I don't know. Stupid broken 360!
Re: Doom Corridor The machine gun turret does actually spawn in the human armory. The catch is that it is facing the away from the tunnel. This forces the humans to break away the turret, thus giving them limited ammunition.
Re: Doom Corridor Very smart, I would not have thought of that. Man, that is really smart! I like that a lot. I am going to quene this even though I dont have room, but for some reason that made me really want to download this. -Donuts
Re: Doom Corridor Wow, i actually just completed something exactly like on my zombies map *checks windows for onlookers*. It spawns on its side so it must be blown up to be used, thus limited ammo
Re: Doom Corridor I agree with most everyone doesnt look that fun but the post is beautiful
Re: Doom Corridor I've been thinking of adding shield vampirism to the zombies and giving them a weak weapon so they regain at least some of their shields. Good idea?