End of Reach Map Pack

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Blaze, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Blaze’s End of Reach Map Pack​

    (Brash. Click. Wake. and Vile.)

    Halo 4s release is right around the corner and due to my lack of released maps in reach, I’ve decided to throw together one last post featuring a few of my most recently made maps.

    The first of which is Vile. Vile is a very small map based on vertical interactions along with almost claustrophobic feeling hallways. Mancannons are used to access the upper floor but don’t rely on this point to win the match for you. It’s a petit platform and you’ll likely be push out of it in no time. When exiting, watch your step, 2 deathpits sit directly off the edge of the power position.


    More pictures!








    2 Player maximum.
    Radar off.
    Sprint and jepack always on.
    No camo.
    DMR/Magnum start.
    Reticule bloom on.

    Download Vile.

    Next is Click. A semi layered ring surrounding a central death pit and a grav lift on the bottom floor allowing you to choose which level to advance to. Weapons push a directional influence on players forcing them to give up their hold out to obtain them.


    More pictures!








    2-4 players maximum.
    Radar off.
    No Camo.
    DMR/Magnum start.
    Reticule bloom on.

    Download Click.

    The third map in this group post is Brash. Slim walkways and long line of sights. A small courtyard with a teleporter is hosted in the bottom middle of the map which is perfect for a quick escape after abandoning your high grounds.


    More pictures!







    2 player maximum.
    Radar off.
    No camo.
    DMR/AR start. (Bloom)
    Or Magnum only (No bloom)

    Download Brash.

    And last leaves Wake. In this map many hallways filled with tight corners align the outside of two opposing power positions but get used to walking because Wake. doesn’t have any teleporters or mancannon to quicken your mobility.


    More pictures!








    2-3 players maximum,
    DMR start.
    No bloom.
    No camo.
    Radar off.

    Download Wake.

    Additional notes: Keep an eyes out for tactical jumps, easy and advanced, on all the maps.

    Incase you want to download more than one or just don't feel like scrolling up. Here's a link to my fileshare.


    Thank you everyone who helped test. I hope everyone enjoys. :)
    #1 Blaze, Oct 21, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012
  2. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow! These maps look great! I love the l destruction in the second map! It's very unique. The gameplay looks like it would be fun. Downloading all of them, but you should make it compatible with more gametypes. :)
  3. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Sniff i feel so bad because.
    1. i cant make maps as great as these, you are like seriously one of the best.
    2. I cant say goodbye to reach because I'm not allowed to get halo 4 until like June. for my birthday :p.

    And because of both those reasons, ima need to download them NAO!
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    These are all really nicely forged maps, and they look solid, but I don't really see the differences in them, besides the natural terrain.

    When I scrolled through the pics, I thought I was looking at all of the pictures of the same map.

    The piece usage is practically identical in all of these and it really takes away from the overall creativity and originality of each map.

    This is just my opinion, however. I would really like to take a look at these close up, because I know they all have very different layouts.

    Nice job, Blaze. Way to go out with a bang.
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Hey Blaze, I never got on xbox and forgot to add you... sigh.

    Nice to see Vile posted, plus all the others, too. All of the maps look good individually, but as Eightball said, most of the piece usage is the same. I might have come to the same conclusion as Eightball if I hadn't got that game on Vile a couple days ago.

    Speaking of which, 1v1 me sometime this week?
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    @Minion. I may have set up a king of the hill, and HH for Click. I remember doing it for a previous version but sadly i never tested it. It might be in there and it might not. :p But you could try. Haha. As these are 1v1 maps, I most likely wouldn't set up any other gametypes besides Those headhunter. If I decide to update the maps before I make my switch over to 4, want me to throw that in for you? :)

    @Narfidy444. That's a good reason why I still wanted to make a post this close to launch. I figured a lot of people may not be getting it till christmas or later. I hope you enjoy these.

    @Eightball. I know right? :/ Well, I'm going to fix the thread up a little with spoilers and hopefully it'll give people a little better sense of what map they are looking at. On the other hand though, when you get into the maps they may have the same aesthetic style but they all play quite a bit different and you'll be able to tell a difference them. Not much I can do now. :p Though thank you for sharing that concern with me still.

    @SpinCycle014. It's fine man, whenever you feel get around to it. Haha. We can 1v1, yeah. But I'm no good cause hte most i play this game is to test maps. And 90% of my maps never get farther than the geometry build. :p

    @Paints. Wake is probably the most "normal". That one I didn't take as many risks in design and I wanted more of a mainstream map rather than going for something new. So it's a good chance you will feel most conferrable on that one. Give them a try an tell me what you think. Mostly any of these have a possibility of returning in 4, so state your concerns and which you like the best. :) Vile. Is personally my favorite of the bunch.
    #6 Blaze, Oct 21, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2012
  7. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm liking vile in terms of visual layout. Others look really clean but something about your central atrium in vile stood out to me and granted a DL. Nice parting gift
  8. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nah, it's ok. They would be better with more gametypes, but it's not necessary, and, no offense, but I might not be able to play these. As much as I would like to, it's hard to find enough time to play every map I download. I might play these, though, because 1v1's are easy to get lobbies for. :)
  9. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Well all I can say is that every single one of these maps is phenomenal in terms of aesthetics. Especially Click, which is my favorite because given the surprisingly large size I'm guessing it works great for 2v2. Love them all, good job!
  10. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Thanks. Let me know how you like it.

    Yeah, 1v1 shouldn't be too hard to get but regardless I understand. I actually might set up more gametypes though because I may be updating them anyway. After all the tweeks I thought I had the spawns perfect for the maps but it seems the anti-spawn zones only made things worse and I ran into a few bad ones.

    Good good. Yep, Click supports 2v2 and Wake might as well, though i have yet to test out Wake with 4 players. If you get 2 others and you want to play a 2v2 on Click, send me an invite. :)

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