Hub of the Dead III: Submission Thread This is where you post any and all submissions for Hub of the Dead III. Please do not post in this thread other than to submit a map, as all questions can be answered in the announcement thread. Make sure to follow the submission guidelines to the letter, or risk being disqualified. You may not submit a map posted on our forums before August 1st. All submissions are due in by Friday, October 24th! Submission Guidelines: Map Name Link to Waypoint file Link to Forge Hub thread (recommended) (Picture of your map)
Reported Post by xWi1dPumazx Linear Infection Map "Oil Refinery" Map created by: xWi1dPumazx and helped by TOMLIDS PICTURES AT THE END "Oil Refinery" is a Linear Infection Map that its history is the employeers were working on the Factory, all of a sudden the Oil from beneath the ground had a strange quimic and the employeers got infected. Make your way to the end and try to survive. DOWNLOAD LINKS: Map: Gametype: PICTURES:,2sw1A,jfzop,4wVkv,IFcSL,Nm4g7,2sw1A,jfzop,4wVkv,IFcSL,Nm4g7#1,2sw1A,jfzop,4wVkv,IFcSL,Nm4g7#2,2sw1A,jfzop,4wVkv,IFcSL,Nm4g7#3,2sw1A,jfzop,4wVkv,IFcSL,Nm4g7#4,2sw1A,jfzop,4wVkv,IFcSL,Nm4g7#5
Trial By Fear Trial By Fear: Download: Trial By Fear Download: Trial By Fear Game Type Trial By Fear on Forge Hub
Fish out of water This map is a linear style infection map to be played with zm_outbreak. It takes place in a fish factory where the zombies are some kind of mutant fish and humans are survivors trying to escape from them. The map is divided in four phases, each one of them representing different parts of a flooded fish factory like the main tanks and stuff. As a zombie you should use the water at your advantage, taking cover in it and assaulting humans without been seen. Another valid strategy would be assaulting as a group from different sides so that humans can't do anything about it. As a human try to stay as a group and gather weapons, move slowly but steadily, etc. Try to place yourself in strategic positions depending on the weapons you grab. For example, in the second phase the human with the DMR should be covered by its teammates while he takes down the zombies who are at a long distance. Or try to take cover behind the guy with the shotgun . I hope you enjoy this map, it took me quite a while to forge and a lot of testing to get it as it is now. P.D. Forge Insaniity helped out in the creation of the map Link to forgehub thread: Download map: File Browser Sitio oficial de Halo Download gametype: File Browser Sitio oficial de Halo
Gamertag- SweepsP2K Map Name- Countdown to Destruction DL Link- File Share Halo Official Site Gametype DL- File Browser Halo Official Site Thread Link- Make sure to be on the lookout for the TMNT easter egg!
Pyramid of the undead You have awakened the mummies! Run with the treasure! No, but seriously. Run. Get through the phases together and gather all the weapons you can. I've changed up the gametype for this map (uses Mummies vs Humans), just because of the close quarters nature of it. Humans only have a health bar and it takes two hits for zombies to take down the humans. I've distributed a couple health packs around the map so, if you get hit once, stay behind your teammates and move quickly into the next phases to pick up the health packs. The gametype also has a custom power-up that spawns after 3 minutes and will turn the zombie who grabs it into the zombie boss. The zombie boss can take quite a beating... It will take you more than your AR to take him down. By Pol Wah. To be played with Mummies vs Humans with 8-16 players. Link to forgehub thread: Download map: Fileshare Sitio oficial de Halo Download game type (important!): Fileshare Sitio oficial de Halo
Map Name: Favela Run Map link clicky clicky click Gametype: zm_Outbreak Gametype link clicky click Link to Forge Hub thread Player count: see thread Short description "What do people do when the place gets flooded? They run to the roof." As the name implies, "Favela Run" takes place in a typical Brazilian favela, one of the many slums situated in the bigger towns of Brazil. They are known to be inhabited by the very poor, and accommodate lots of criminal organisations. However, in this favela things get even worse. Some rare and hazardous infection has taken the residents, and the few survivors left now have to make their way to the top of the favela in order to survive. For once, they are lucky to find so many weapons laying around in their already unsafe quarter. Read the rest in the map thread...
Dust on the Horizon Map name: Dust on the Horizon Map Download: The Horizon Gametype Download: Dust FH Thread: Dust on the Horizon
District 38 - Zombie Campaign Map Name: District 38 - Zombie Campaign Playable Player Count: 8-16 Recommended Player Count: 11-14 Map(s) Download: File Set Part 1 Part 2 Gametype: Evacuate D.38 Original Thread: District 38 - Zombie Campaign Description: "District 38 is a zombie campaign made up of two maps to form one story. Both maps are based on the breakneck canvas map. Your mission is to get the hell out of the city before you go down with it." Pictures: Spoiler
The Promethean Temple Map name: The Promethean Temple by REMkings & Redy93 Map Download: The Promethean Temple Gametype Download: Zm_Outbreak FH Thread: Here! [Official Thread Coming Soon] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [br][/br]Edited by merge: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map name: Convict Side by Redy93 Map Download: Convict Side Gametype Download: End it with Pride. FH Thread: Here!
Griffside Map: Griffside by Xiph Skwirl14 Gametype Download!/?section=GameType&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=31155358 Map Download File Share Halo Official Site Forgehub thread Griffside - Forge Hub [/URL]
Magma Mine Alpha 2.0 Map Name: Magma Mine Alpha 2.0 Playable Player Count: 8-16 Recommended Player Count: 12-14 Map Download: Magma Mine Alpha 2.0 Gametype: Underground 2.0 Original Thread: Magma Mine Alpha 2.0 / Re-Release Description: "An accident during a hazard material extraction has caused an unknown toxin to spread. It has infected a few of the workers. It has become lethal and it is only a matter of time before you are left with no options. Escape the mine, before its too late." Pictures: Spoiler
Map Name:[BIOHAZARD] Map Link: > Here < Gametype Link: > Here < Thread Link: > Here < Player count: 16 players
Map Name: Bombing Humanity, which is a co-forge between x hunter33 and REMkings Map link:!/?section=MapVariants&MapId=&GameMode=0&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&tags=&startIndex=0&details=29802105 Gametype: zm_Outbreak (originally/actually Humanity Bombed but I won't take any risks and submit this one right now) Gametype link: (or see my other submission, Favela Run) Recommended player count: 12-16 ForgeHub thread doesn't exist yet but will be made soon, probably tomorrow. (I'm sorry but x hunter33 and I were in a rush to submit this map even though it's long finished) Short description: A city has been taken over by the infection. Many have already died, and the government is forced to bomb the city to kill everything what's left, including the remaining human beings. While a small group of survivors hides in a bunker, the zombies manage to get inside... Spoiler
Name - The Legend of Aihab: Mingo's Mask Map Link - Link Gametype Name - Left4Aihab "No Theme" Campaign Gametype Link - Link FH Thread - Not up yet; but the preview is here. Pics - Will a video suffice? Spoiler Will a video suffice?