After editing and re-editing this about 5,000 times, I've made the map as good as I think I can get it.This is an objective-based map created for assault, ctf, and koth, but can easily be formatted to team slayer or VIP as well. The Defense always starts on the dragon, where they have fire nades, a flamethrower, and a splaser in the mouth. There's a beam rifle on top. While we're on top of it, DON"T PICK UP THE CUSTOM POWERUPS! THEY ARE JUST EYES THAT WILL RESPAWN INSTANTLY AND MAKE AN ANNONYING, REPEATING SOUND. On the arms, there are rocket launchers and mines. Over on the offense base, there is a mongoose, a hornet, an active camo, BRs 2x, Spike nades 2x, SMGs 2x, and a machine gun and a deployable cover. The offense must get to the teleporter under the dragon. Just step in, don't run. The mancannon will land you on the dragon. Take a step back and then run forward to clear the lip(no pun intended). Go into the stomach(note the exit......sorry, only way I could make it still appropriate[At least, for anyone over 8 who's mature enough not to laugh hysterically]). Take the teleporter into the other part and plant the bomb or steal the flag. Telport again, exit, and run. Or stay if it's koth.Please download it here.
hey... are you the punxsatownyphil I know? lol... either way, good posts but the pics dont show up. Just get them off bungie and save to computer. Then go to photobucket and upload the image, then paste into thread. That should fix it. But seriously do I know you?
i agree wt what zstrike13 told u photo bucket is a good one i use it for pics my self when u get it up i would like to se thy dragon
You could have been much more elaborate with the wings and used interlocked energy walls. Also, you might want to extend the snout on the dragon, as it looks a little pugg-faced. Try a series of interlocked ramps for that, one on the top and bottom for the jaws, a couple more for the crest of the skull, and teleporters lining the inside for lots of teeth. Pointy teeth.
lol Matt my name is spelled with an "H", not "K" get it right lol. also, this looks really cool. Did you make this with Paul like that robot one he has or no?
what i like about this is that most (not all) robot / monstor maps are just for asentic but the ocasional few are playable