Welcome to the Clubhouse. Please refrain from touching the fusion coils, and use caution when passing through the teleporter. Enjoy your stay. Here's how to play Clue. Download The Clubhouse Download Clue
CLUEPOCALYPSE 2012. any clue fan MUST play on this gem of a map. I feel like i'm in Aliens when im slowly and helplessly making my way through its tight vent-sized paths. As killer, those scary vents become the greatest killing opportunity ever. Plenty of unique rooms to hide around in, and as with any good clue map, secrets and shortcuts galore! etc etc download this **** dudes.
I feel like been able to drive the vehicles instead of being limited to the other seats would have put this map over the top. But at least you can hope inside a vehicle, unlike some clue maps that have come out recently. I can sincerely say this is the best clue map I can remember playing on, I only wish you'd released it sooner.
This I don't get it. Is it an infection map? Or slayer. It says slayer, but from the comments, and pictures, it looks like infection. Also, an overview would be helpful. Edit: I tried to follow the gt link, to see what it was, but I think it's broken. It's says 404 error. Is this just me?
I've fixed the gametype download links and edited the OP with links to the official Clue thread. That should help clarify things.
It looks very clean but is this place good with any other gametypes besides slayer because this would be nice for KOTH or 1 flag CTF
Tbh, the map would be horridly unbalanced for any gametype aside from Clue. I put it under casual for just that reason; it plays clue and that's it.
I've never seen this. You must show me, or we must play on it. This weekend, we play clue. Nice forging btw, man. Looks like a very well-forged map.
What he said. Rorak, its been a long time coming, hasnt it? Sorry we took so long to release our gametype and map, but it was worth it. I've always had fun testing your map, along with Clue V2, and the progression and final state of the map shows the quality effort, the attention to detail, and the love of Clue. ^1, 5 stars, 100%, A+, Yes, <3