This video is amazing. Ignore the numa numa part.. MIND-BLOWING. WATCH IT
why? seriously, why the **** do we exist? why is there a universe? why is anything even there? i HATE thinking about any of this. it makes my head want to explode. and Travis the Hutt, that is some amazing spam. don't. do. that.
When watching this, you gotta try concentrate really hard lol easiest way to bum out an atheist; you believe in the big bang? Plz tell me how the big bang got there?
That is an awesome vid, epic, amazing. Does it become less amazing knowing that I had King of the Hill paused in the background. 800th Post, Hellz Yeah
wow to big to get head around all right. Man i feel small. Really makes you think god theres got to be aliens out in all that beacuse if there isnt then life is a cosmic joke!!!
And after all that how could anyone think humans are the only sentient life? God shmod. Dissprooven =]
not sure about the big bang theory. A super long time ago, there was nothing, which exploded, in turn, creating trillions of different galaxies. WTF!? A theory should sound sensible in the smart person answer and the over simplified answer.
I hardly think the big bang theory was "nothing exploded and now we live" I'm pretty sure that the scientist that originally came up with the theory went into a little more detailed then that...
This doesn't disprove God. What is believed is that God created the heavens (universe) and the earth. He then created man. No where does it say he ONLY made life on one planet. I for one, believe in God and the creation story. Except that 7 "days" isn't a 24 hour time frame. It is a what people used to make it understandable to us humans. I believe that 7 "days: was actually billions of years. But I digress. This video is very thought provoking. It truely is a mazing.
Wow that is truly amazing to think we have such a small presence in the universe hurts my head to think about it.
Nice video, it really puts things into perspective on a big picture sort of way. I disagree with Fast Forward though, they were actually 24 hour time periods. The Hebrew text for "day" implies a 24 hour period. Anyways I think that it is necesarry for the universe's large expanse for two reasons. A) It shows God's glory and power to create something so massive and large that we can never fully comprehend it B) I think that the universe needs to be large in order to support life do to astro physics. For instance the planets keep the earth in check through gravity and keeps the earth at an optimal distance from the sun. Then the solar system is kept in balance by surrounding solar systems, and then the galaxy is kept in check and so on and so forth...
Penguin that is amazing I just now found the meaning of life.Lol but I am positive now there are other life organisms in the universe just like us.I am 100% positive that we are NOT the only people in this universe.I am happy and hopefully if the earth could survive for about another 5000 years(probally not =( )Then this would all come true.
Wow its amazing to even think about. IF there are more planets like ours if you think about it, what would they look like? What would their language be? If their were organisms out there, would you think that they thought about this exact video, like if there is another planet like theirs? Ah this is so amazing. Many questions that may soon have an answer.