Zenith Created by [user]Adelyss[/user] Recommended Players: 2 Required Gametype: Smackdown So we have arrived, hubbers, at the final battlefield for the 1v1 Smackdown. It goes by the name of Zenith and was handcrafted for you, by Adelyss, to be played with numerous different playstyles; this being the reason it was chosen for the finals. Where Zenith excels is in its ability to portray the most vanilla options in the Reach experience while still being competitive and entertaining. Unlike some of the past maps in this tournament, Zenith doesn't force a player to be particularly good at any specific style. Where some maps push sniping, weapon timing or focus around a 'nade launcher or power-up, Zenith provides a multitude of options for players, while not feeling as if it is overwhelmed by possibilities. In Zenith, your main focus will be your DMR. It is a map that will strongly push you to decide when and how to engage with your primary. However, these engagements are often for purpose in addition to sheer point increases. Maybe you choose to fight it out tower to tower, get the kill, then drop for the recently spawned grenade launcher. Or maybe you push the player out of camo tower so you can secure its advantage. You might even prefer to circle around and grab a sniper or, if all else fails, turn up the aggression and push the other player with nothing but your DMR. It is never too easy nor too hard to play any style in Zenith, which is what make it such a balanced candidate for the final map. Even when it comes to the final map though, gameplay isn't everything. Zenith doesn't fail to meet expectations in the aesthetics department either. Clean, uniform and believable, Zenith displays some of the finer points of Reach's piece usage while still feeling familiar. Addy may be flying under the radar these days, but he still manages to put together a very solid all around map. Congratulations Addy and good luck to the final two. Download Zenith Smackdown Rules Smackdown FAQ
I had no idea you were Lithuanian until I read this paragraph. You should really take some more ESL classes, though, because that's mostly gibberish. I keed... sorta. But its good to see the Smackdown is going strong, and Adelyss is always accountable for a quality map. The pictures are pretty boring, but I'll check this out whenever I put Reach back in the ol' box.
Sorry, wrote from my phone. I should made sure it was checked over. The pictures don't do the map justice and I'm really not much of a photographer.
Gratz to Adelyss. While I've never seen your forging, the map must be pretty good if it's in at this point. Wait. Towers? Exactly how vertical is this map? Or are these just exaggerated callouts? Also, if this is the last feature of Reach, gratz x2 to Adelyss and I hope to see most of you later on
Uh, I guess you could say exaggerated callouts lol? There will probably be at least one more. Those linear infection maps are looking pretty good.
The top of Active Camo is a "tower" and the first image of the orange area is a "tower". Those are just names we gave the locations while play testing. The Active Camo is more like a tower than the orange side due to it being actually two levels.
Ah, so they're just called towers I was hoping that there weren't a bunch of Pinnacle-style prefab towers around the map.. @First pic Was there a reason you used two steeper ramps rather than just one? It seems like one would be smoother, if you'd excuse the extremely literal usage of the word.