Exactly, most people only work 38 hours a week, and he's demanding I do 50 hours for nothing? Screw that...
On top of your day job? I don't think so =] Remember this is supposed to be a side thing, also you're being paid for those 50 hours =]
I love your type man, and I have seen a few on this site in the past few months. You supposedly have no time but you come here and in a month you post on EVERYTHING you can, sometimes posting constantly on your own threads just to pump that post count up to win.....nothing. Way to go! You must think you are some kind of special person with a bunch of new friends, but the fact of the matter is everybody just kissed your ass for a sig, but I refuse to do that. Just have the thread closed and start a new gallery without 30 pages of sig requests, just to avoid the confusion. It will actually probably make your life easier. Maybe even mention something in the first post of the thread about the 150 post limit. And I don't think I even have to point out the fact that your rant towards me was unwarranted since I don't recall whining at any point about not getting a sig, just that I suggested it be locked and started over. But hey, if you wanna take it all out on me for the burden you brought upon yourself, feel free, children tend to do that. See ya around.
Clearly you have your mind made up about me, so nothign I say would do anything to change that. I still think you're a nice enough guy and realise you were just trying to make a suggestion. No excuse for insulting you, though I was kinda anoyed when I made the post. However that's no excuse. Anyway, it was taken to far and I think that's that. Not going to argue any more about such trivial stuff. EDIT: To be honest, I just like making sigs and I think I had made enough for randoms and decided to just make them for the people I know.
Yea fair enough but in my free time I take the bike out for a spin. To hell with this computer image manipulation **** mate lol. That's what guys like you are for. You would think so, but no. I only get paid for 46.5 hours. Pardon me while I hijack your thread.
Lol umm... Why work 50 hours if you only get paid for 46.5? What do you do? You should know by now Ivory, you ARE teh sex =D
Builder, and I'm the only guy there besides the boss that believes in doing a job properly So I end up doing more work than all the others. He can only really pay me the same hours as everyone else due to some contract ****, but I get payed a significantly higher rate than the rest even though I'm the newest team member.
I R TEH SEX!!!! hooray, i feel much better now, ever since cosmic didn't adopt me because of my "ahem" lack of funds, i have not been teh happyz... but thats changed!
rawrity rawr rawr rawr...can't we all just get along? glad to see rey is trying neways, i forgot to mention what i thought of Ivory's sig, which is AWESOME
Glad you like it Sticky =] You know you don't have the picture linking to your map right? Here we go Nick, I hope you like it =] Avatar if you want also [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse]
OMG.... This is awesome. Its cute, sexy, and colorful, what else needs to be said. Thank you so much Reyn, I really appreciate it.
hey rey, i noticed the quote in your sig, so i think i shall also quote the great tooch, but in a different way, remember the "riding" incident on sandtrap? lolololol
this sucks...i've been working and my laptop has been broken to ****...so i haven't been part of the group lately...or so it feels...it makes me sad...