This map is for anyone who has ever felt a little let down by their Star Wars "Death Star Trench Run" video game experiences. I have been waiting for an oficially licensed Star Wars video game to deliver a truly exciting trench run level ever since 1993 (X-Wing), almost as long as have been waiting for them to give me a truly great light-saber battle (never). While I still can't do anything about the light-saber battle, the trench run is now a somewhat different story. I knew going in that I would never be able to forge a perfectly accurate Death Star surface (cover the entire forge world in c-walls?) using the $10,000 budget and the piece limits. Instead I decided to embrace the difference and take on a little creative license. This isn't a Star Wars trench run. It is a Halo Trench Run. With that in mind, I set out to make it play, and look as incredible as possible. I even threw in a vague Tower of Mordor look alike for good measure. The most important thing to me while forging this map was to make sure that the trench was a functioning, strategic, and necessary passage way to the thermal exhaust port. You always have the option to fly around, above, or outside of the trench. It will just be much more difficult to stay alive out there. Also, if you leave the "Death Ship's" surface area entirely, you will explode. Here is a step by step illustration of a successful trench run... Another absolutely imperative goal for me was making sure that this map was as fun on defense (if not more fun) than it is on offense. In order to accomplish that, I made up a specialized teleporter/observation tower system. The main defense tower has 6 two-way teleporters along its inner walls. The three on the right side walls will transport you to the three right side gun towers. They go in order from front to back. The same goes for the left side wall's teleporters. Using the "observe and move" system you can always be in the proper tower at the proper time. When it's done well, it is almost as if all of the towers are automated. Finally the custom game type is a one-bomb assault variant. It is set up to give you the feeling that Yavin 4 is just about to come into range, and there is no time to spare. Each round is 3 minuets long, and there are 6 of them. This gives each team more chances to employ different strategies, yet keeps the game moving along quickly. If you are having an unusually difficult time on offense, or defense, you can always add or drop a minuet. The bomb carrier has 100% mobility, along with full vehicle use. In addition to the normal movement, his ability to "use the force" gives him two slight advantages. He has a 75m radar, and will inflict 110% damage on his enemies. May the force be with you... And don't forget to check out my other maps! Find God The Pool Civil War
Bro, I hate to say this, but the killballs... nobody likes them. Also, I would change the min count of players from 4 to 10, because this map is way too big to support any amount of players in each team below 5.
Honestly, I would have considered making the minimum 1 if I could... I kinda enjoy just running the course, even by myself. But to be serious, it is moves pretty well and is well balanced even with low numbers due to the teleporter system.
This is cool, I have seen many maps of the recreation of this scene in Star Wars, but yours actually is better because you made it into a minigame. I agree with REM about the kill balls, and I really don't like the grids. It would look cool if you made the outside of the trench more round then square. Remember the death star is round :|
Yea I know. I really wanted to make it more authentic looking. I just ran out of door/window/wall pieces very quickly. I don't know why I liked the kill ball and the grid for this. It was just impossible to say it looked better without them. You should definitely try it out. The in-game experience is always what it's all about.
Oh ya almost forgot, put some FX in the map to make it look like your in space. Maybe add some floating rocks as comets and etc.
Why, I never saw a super flat grid in Star Wars :| The kill ball is just placed randomly and I don't see how it looks good that way.
I mean the kill ball is obviously decorative, but that doesn't necessarily mean its "random." As I said before, its an evil techno-mordor tower. The map is a little trans-genre. It just wasn't possible to make everything look exactly like Star Wars the movie, and have a fun game at the same time. The game feels a lot more Star Wars than it looks.
I can understand if you don't like the kill ball on the top of the Trench Run tower. That is a matter of taste. But it definitely doesn't always look bad. Like for the volcanic pit of hell... I guess it is 2/3 covered here, if that is what you meant.
Eww, no. Purple fx make terrible space maps. It ends up looking more like Forgeworld at night than space (and doesn't even do that look well), and makes everything way too dark & hard to see on top of that. I actually have an easier time imagining a map is in space when it's just the default daylight of Forgeworld.