By: Black Theorem, corduroyCHUCK, and SargeantSarcasm Theorem did not write that. He did too. Did not. Okay so maybe I exaggerated a little. I can see why you changed it. But why are you doing any of this anyway? [Because.] Who the hell are you? That would be Theorem. I thought you were Theorem. Why would I speak in the third-person? Have you ever had a conversation with Theorem? [Yeah, Bittles doesn't like this. Bittles be out yo.] I can see why you're killing people. I am not killing people. [Yo, Bittles wants you to finish this map post.] Okay fine. Here's the tower. Notice the safety escape with no railings, a feature designed by the Chuckalo Company that built this place in 2008. Since when do you actually do what Theorem says? If you had rap music playing in your head all day, you'd do anything to stop it too. Besides, I've my own plans. [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] Let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby, to get ourselves some treats. [Oh Red Lobster!] This is not a mouse-over. This is a mouse, over. [Theorem be back, over.] Hey why didn't you put the elevator here? Because it makes more sense to go floor-to-floor instead of showing the first, then the shaft, then the third. (That was a euphemism). [sigh] Some men build working elevators. Others build stairs. The third group build something that makes no sense and call it "a combination of the two." I once pistol-whipped a man on a mongoose while eating a banana. [I love bananas.] He's using the first-person. [I'm the first person to love bananas?] "And then I told her, 'no YOU make the sandwich." "DOHOHOHOHO that's a good one, Johnson." "Instant promotion!" This is also on the first-floor in case that wasn't app- [CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH] In case it wasn't apparent to a parent who- [CRUNCH] God da- [CRUNCH CRUNCH] Why an office building would have military crates and a floorplan allowing you to scale 20-foot heights is beyond me. The only thing weirder would be a... I- [CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH.] Yeah. I had no hand in the construction of this project. Then why are you getting credit? [I know right.] Go back to your taco, Theorem. [How did you know...? Taco...? Me...?] I think it's just lazy writing. Not pictured: garden gnomes. YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO SHOW THAT, IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET. I didn't show them the garden gnomes. [SLURPEE SLURPEE SLURPEE] And of course we end with my namesake, the Empire Sarge Building. Why did you name it that? I didn't, you did. I did? Yeah, and you're in a wheelchair. And you're dead. Oh god... And you're a figment of my imagination. No, it can't be. And bananas are only good when they're yellow. [NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO]
I like how you made it as an office building but it looks too cluttered at many places. What gametype do you play here?
TC Towers is a four-level area molded out of the upper levels of an extremely tall (actually, floating) building, crafted with the idea of a New York office firm. On the first floor is the Spawn, the Lobby, the working Lift and the beginning of the Stairs that stand as a backbone through the floors. On the second is the Cubicles and Conference Room and the beginning of the Fire Escape. The third floor is the Storage area, but is seemingly the most open, with windows on a majority of the sides of the floor. The fourth floor is the terminal, with a Gate (complete with a security check) and a Hangar bay for the non-functional Falcon. Of course, the realism isnt complete without The Empire Sarge Building, an adjacent, but generally more awesome tower that really helps to make you feel like you're in the Big Apple. Now, if you've never played Clue before, I urge you to read through the explanation over at the Clue V2.0 Gametype thread, otherwise gameplay on this map may not be as expected.
It was meant to be more for people who already actively play clue, since they've been waiting for this to release for over a year. Halo 4 is nearly upon us, so I had fun with the topic just to get this out as opposed to taking the normal route. My apologies.
Clue is by far the best casual game I've encountered so far and is always a barrel of laughs. Make it an official game in H4 343. Do it now.
if unfamiliar with this gametype, definitely this. regrets will not be had. you'll also see bt's fantastic writing ability, as previewed in his post above
I couldn't stop laughing after hearing that, hahaha. I've played this a couple of times now and each one has been enjoyable. There are a ton of options, so gameplay doesn't get stale and the clutter actually adds to the suspense given the killer can break away from a person line of sight quickly. Additionally, there's a lot of emphasis on strategy as both the killer and the others. All in all, clue is pretty fun on here though the honor rules are a *****.
I had put fear into the hearts of the current players in my time as the killer. I HAD CAMO AND THE SNIPER. Scary. But then this asshole decides to follow me until he saw me pull off a beautiful execution (You know damn well who you are), and kill me. Douche. :3 There were so many things that you have to discover around the map. I love that. Super suspenseful, exciting, and ****ing hilarious. P.S. Basket is now limited to crouching his victims to death. No plas-nades for you.
I hate clue. But then I love it. But I hate it again later. I don't know man. I think I need to get back to the pool. These office towers are bad for my well being in a way that sitting in human fecal matter just doesn't quite live up to. On an (almost) serious note, I don't always like this game, but when I do, I prefer TC Tower. Good job. And the post is amazing.
the only clue map i've ever liked, and i'm also generally a clue hater. this map is so intricate, full of clever little hiding spots for the killers and victims, clever ways to escape, etc. even if you arent a fan of the gametype, its pretty hard to not have fun on this map. having the sock monkey call out new rules on the killer added an extra layer of fun and hilarious to this already fun and hilarious gametype. nice job guys, bout time it got posted.
BT told us to post in this thread, so here goes... Earlier tonight we had a nice little clue session on this map. I've gotta say it was probably the most fun playing Clue I've had in an incredibly long time. The map was a little disorienting at first, but that can probably be chalked up to the fact that I haven't played Halo: Reach in probably around 4-6 months. Either way, after a couple rounds of communal idiocy with a fantastic group of gentlemen, I got used to the map very quickly and soon found myself having a gratuitous amount of fun! This is definitely one of my favorite Clue maps to date. Right up there with the Black Moose. Download it. Now.
Before I played TC Towers, I could barely get it up. Fast forward to today, I'm banging hot Asian chicks every weekend. TC Towers helped me, it can help you too. Thank you, have a wonderful evening.
I'm thankful that you released the map now, considering the level of enjoyment that can be had on it, and the amount of people that will play on it. You did good?
I gotta say, this is quite the map. I've had pretty much all of my awesome clue moments on here, and despite the fact that I've played it dozens and dozens of times, this map just keeps on giving. I've thoroughly enjoyed grabbing Sniper, GL, and Camo off spawn nearly every round, even if I cheated a little bit in the process. Hopefully I'll get my new controller soon and I can show you guys what it means to be a killer, and this time I'll try not to spin and circles and kill myself with a sniper. tl;dr: Download it. It's a hoot.
****ing finally. Love this map. Love Clue. After playing on it for a while, it's been the only thing that kept me playing Halo Reach and the gameplay is overall awesome, to say the least. Just wondering why you guys decided to post this after so close to Halo 4. However, I'd like to see what you guys come up for clue in Halo 4, include me on the list for the testing.
The machinima meant to accompany this was never finished because we couldn't get voice actors for it (otherwise it's done). We waited to post this so we could post the machinima too, didn't work out. We just posted another map too, but that one's even older. Both are getting remade in Halo 4 anyway.