
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Robster95, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    this is my new-ish map that im hoping to release soon ive done beta tests, alpha tests and many people have said its there faviourite map, its definatly my personal faviourite so i thought id just see what you all think of it!!








    okay so there all the pics, something alot of people who havent played it have said 'those bases are way to open if there a falcon', yes they look open but there actualy very good cover along with the rest of the map unless ur in the middle in the open.

    the most used AA:
    1) bubble shield
    2) sprint
    3) hologram

    each base has a sniper with 1 mag, theres a rocket with 1 mag by the start of the center pipe by the water, theres 1 needler on the other side of the pipe under cover, theres also needle rifles, assault rifles, DMR's and magnums!!

    leave ur feed back and yeah, cheers
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Did you take inspiration from Longbow?

    I'm going to tell you that the falcon will probably be overpowered, but I doubt it'd make you change the map at all. Falcon + players on ground nading your weak cover -> falcons on sprees.

    It all looks so ... open.
  3. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    i understand your concern but the falcon is in for various reasons which are;
    1) i tried many differant types including removing the falcon and using a splaser, using a gauss hog, normal hog, banshee etc etc, but they all made it un-balanced and that, so when i put in the falcon i made some edits to the map.
    2) the first edit is the pipe, you cant go over you have to go under, this means ur very close to the ground which means ur easier to be shot down (especialy from rockets and snipers 3rd point) and also ur very open to be hijacked which happened alot.
    3) the sniper and rocket are SUPER effective against the falcon as you probrably know, theres a sniper at each base and a rocket in the middle, so the falcon realy doesnt last a realy long time.
    4) the enemy hog, falcons are very big and lumbersome which make them great targets for hogs on a standard sized map like this especialy when it has to go under the pipe, yes the falcon is more powerfull but the hog can almost destroy it, or at least draw flames then a couple of shots by the DMR and its dead.
    5) theres a suprisingly alot amount of cover, i know it doesnt seem it but when you play it or if you play it youll know what i mean.

    there the main reasons for the falcon being in there, the most kill with a falcon from one person ive ever seen on this map was 10 but he used 2 falcons which meant 1 died during that time, so yes you do still get kills but its not as affective as the hog in many ways and in others it is.
    also no i didnt, i made this WAY before that was released but ive been busy alpha testing, beta testing and also i havent had time to post it on here, if you want me to take more pics just ask and where you want me to take a pic on the map and i shall do so :) thanks for the reply and helping but ive done 7 beta tests on this map each one including 2 matches so thats 14 matches to tweak things :)
    #3 Robster95, Oct 10, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    14 matches isn't really a lot, but if you insist, go ahead with your map as it is. It's just that you asked for feedback and asked not to receive certain feedback in your OP..
  5. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    14 is quite alot tbh, and also i know and im open to feed back and that, thats why im here but somethings like that are there for a reason, i have tweaked things that you cant see to fit into gameplay and make it fair, thats what im trying to say :)
  6. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
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    IMO, if something doesn't work and it's making the map worse, don't try and make it work. Also, did you just put a soft kill boundary over the pipe to stop the falcon? That won't stop it, and if you put a hard kill, people will not know it's there. I personally think the map would benefit best if the falcon were taken off. Also, there seems to be a lack of cover in the center of the map and a long line of sight. I may be wrong about that, but there definitely should be more cover. The cover you have already doesn't cover enough of the map. Has anyone mentioned that in the testing sessions you've held?
  7. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    what i was trying to say was that to balance the hog on the toher side i tried many attempts and the falcon turned out on top :p also gives height variation etc so makes it more intereting, there is a hard kill boundary as well as the soft kill, thats one thing people said in the beta tests and also i dunno if you can see it but theres a massive pipe by one base, theres a rock ramp by it for the hog, and a gun tower (realy just an ornament piece) but also under the pipe theres like legs for the pipes which break it up alot, there are long sights but you cant realy see from one base to the other whilst staying in the base, no one said anything about that so thats why ive left it, ill take more pics when i can and uplaod them on here to show the line of sights better and plcement of things :) but i understand what ur saying and i did in the alpha have people say it and thats why i put the pipe part thats resting on the floor in, it breaks it up ALOT more :)
  8. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I only see the one pillar. Plus, the pipe doesn't apply to most of the map. It still needs to be broken up and given structure.

    Oh. By the way, I mentioned the hard and soft kill boundaries to you... Although someone could have actually recommended that to you in game, seeing as how the map turned out, I would guess that that didn't actually happen. The hardkill/softkill thing is more subtle than, say, a general lack of structure.

    No offense meant by any of this post - I tried to keep it short and sweet, so no disclaimers or anything like that. Add them in if you'd like.
  9. Robster95

    Robster95 Forerunner
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    Hmmm, all I can say is don't judge till you play, this is most people fav map of there's that I've made so I must have done sommin right, I guess it's not for everyone but I guess you either love it or u hate it... :/

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