I been playing this game since last night and i have to say all these high scores do it justice. Its a little bit Deus Ex but a real real sandbox and "insert bioshock reference." It feels like it own game in its own universe. On the PC the watercolor scheme is really beautiful and the water effects are gorgeous. If you like stealth or if you like action this game is worth it. So far my favorite trick has been placing a mine on a rat, possess a guard and walk them over and then backstab the person that come to examine the body. The blink ability feels so much cooler then i imagined in the trailers. Its really a game you have to try to appreciate, a video walkthrought couldn't do it justice Its $45 on Greenmangaming [PC] and $60 on Steam. Here are some trailers to fancy this up. And this is the super awesome interactive trailer. Dishonored - Path to Revenge - YouTube Dishonored TV Spot (30 Seconds) - YouTube "Danger: Song may get stuck in your head." "Drunken Sailor"
Too bad I don't have sound on my pc. I wanted to hear the song. Anyway, that game actually looks pretty badass.
I would love to get this, but with Halo 4 and the Mass Effect Trilogy I am past my gaming budget for the time being (no income.) I will play it though, it looks like an absolutely incredible game.
Ugh. I hate the autumn launch window. With Borderlands 2, Pokemon, MoH, Forza, Halo, CoD and now this - It'll be a miracle to own all of these before the new year. Hopefully I can get it for Christmas.
Not the new one, I'm getting it tomorrow. I'm tight on budget as it is, and it will be a miracle if I can afford all these games.
I feel your pain man. Of course my budget currently has run dry at 2 $60 games, one of which is for Christmas.
I really want his game man, but as above said : money. Ac III, Halo 4 (Limited Edition of course), Crysis 3, Far Cry 3 etc. Hard to get them all, you have to choose eventually, and get others later
I don't really know how I feel about this game. I played it for a few hours last night, and while I had fun, I just felt like it was lacking something. Maybe it will get better as I get farther into the story, or maybe I'm just recovering from the awesomeness that is Borderlands 2... idk.