Rock Band > GH3, because it "rocks" (lol) and because Activision + Red Octane are being mean to Harmonix, who did all of the hard work. I can only play the drums well because I am a drummer IRL.
I just had to send my guitar in because it does not strum down. Also we have made a myspace page for our rockband band haha oh man good times. -Donuts
Yea this game is way better than GH3. I kinda have a problem with the fact that a lot of the default songs are kinda gay. But it is so awesome that they have weekly song packs to download. My friend buys them all and we play all the time. And its also so cool that your downloaded content is merged with the World Tour career mode so that you have a wider variety to play while in career, not just for quickplay.
metallica pack was good stuff ;D 10 minute long songs and such lol...i buy songs that i see is worth it.. AND I JUST BEAT ENTER SANDMAN ON HARD - 98%! wooooo
u mean medium drums? the trick to hard drums (on most songs at least) is just look at the song in Practice, go to like 80% and notice the rhythm, then work on it thruout the song until u can hit most of them at 100% speed, then u can usually do it in normal mode
me neither, i just do that on the songs that i can just barely get by or almost beat before, but now im starting to do it more often
I think GH3 is better because i like playing the guitar parts, and the songs for GH3 are made for guitar, so they're more fun to play on expert. But Rock Band songs have to be fun for drums and singing too...but it's still a good game. I have both ;D
i have both, and i think GH3 is more of a competitive 1 player game and rock band is more of a fun 2+ player game
What's everyone instrument that they're best at? Personally I am pretty decent at singing. I can sing medum/hard. (I don't enjoy it a ton however, but no one else can sing better than easy.)
Luckily I have a friend that is good at singing or our band would suck, personally I am a guitar/bass guy however I will give the drums a good run on medium. -Donuts
I'm best at guitar/bass. i beat rock band on expert and i have to beat the last song on expert on GH3 (the guitar battle vs. Lou, which is too hard for me...). and does anyone know how to turn on the mic for rock band? i can't get it to work...
lol dude thats the problem, no buttons. you gotta plug in a controller and use it for the buttons im best at guitar/drums, both at hard level, but i can do about half the songs on expert guitar...
wait, what? so you plug a controller in and the mic and then they'll both count as the same player???
I couldnt figure out how to set up my mic either I had to go onto rockbands website. It doesnt say it anywhere. -Donuts