[IMG] Isolation is a forerunner themed map, set deep within the forest. The forerunner structure stands as a tall and eye catching structure that sits in the epicentre of the map. The terrain is used to the full within this map and give a great feel and an ascetically pleasing look to it. AS well as the great Gameplay and vigorous 1v1 battles around the map. The map is built for FFA and Rumble pit gametypes. 2 - 8 players. [IMG]http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q716/ViiPeRzViiSiOn/Screenshot4_zps75c6b2b4.jpg[/IMG][/IMG] Forerunner themed. Recommended for FFA and Team slayer gametypes. Also supports Rumble pit gametypes. Supports 2-8 Players. Download and enjoy.
I like this. The center structure has been done before, but I haven't seen it done on Ridgeline. Good work.
It doesn't look bad, and it's Ridgeline, so props for that. The center structure reminds me of the firefight map, Installation 04. I can't say anything about how it plays, however, but it looks fine. Hit me up one day we could play it a bit.
As the gentlemen above me say.. the center structure looks like an installation, but thats pretty obvious to me. Good work, it looks like an well build map. Its hard to tell how the gameplay is on this, but it sure looks nice.
You used the forerunner theme. I like that. I don't really have much of a feel of the map. Perhaps adding an overview shot if you could would help us? It is Ridgeline, though, so it's hard to get overview shots.
I think this map looks really cool but I'm kind of disappointed with the pieces you chose. I know it isn't really necessary but if you make a map on an anniversary map you should try to incorporate the unique forge pieces. I don't know how many unique pieces there are on this map so maybe you couldn't. Cool map though
if you look at the map properly... you'll see the unique forge pieces. for example the red and blue corner structures use unique forge pieces. also all the scenery objects are unique to the map and dlc. Also I couldn't get an overview shot because ridgeline has a height restriction, sorry.
Spawn a receiver outside the barrier and go up through the teleporter. When you play the game in theater follow yourself until you go out of the map then separate from the player. Once you're out in theater you can go anywhere.