this is a drop ship that has landed on earth and you can get in through the port hatch on the bottom and you can get ontop of it for mantince Download here-
Hundreds of people have made some sort of vehicle carrying frigate-ish thing on foundry. Most of them are way to boxy and terrible to internally navigate. Pretty much no one nowadays will appreciate a ship like this, especially w/o interlocking. It's just not believable to have a giant ship inside a stuffy warehouse. Ship building is for Avalanche. Also, the warthog hanging out of the engine looks a bit sloppy. I'm not sure if you wanted that in the pic. And BTW, never use stairs for the front of a ship unless you cover up the gaps.
hmmm, looks okay. Some of that looked incredibly sloppy, I highly reccommend redoing this and interlocking, a lot.
thx furzyz but i will interlock and fix gaps aswell as putting stuff over the staris in front also i will do this definatly as soon as i fix my 360 my sig says whats wrong