So while forging Mock and I may have found a new glitch. I had a part set to fixed, and he had a part set to phased. He moved the phased part into the fixed part I was holding, which then de-spawned. Unfortunately, after trying this a few more times we realized we were losing the blocks, they were not going back to the inventory. Anyone seen this before?
They've obviously not de-spawned as you're still loosing blocks. Probably just under the map. Use delete all to recover them if you already haven't.
Shoe wasn't asking how the problem can be fixed, Fresh. He was asking if you had seen this glitch before. I myself have never come across this, as I rarely forge with other people. It sounds really irritating and I don't see it being useful for anything. But nevertheless, pretty interesting.
I've had some occurances of this happen before... Have you tried to verify the object isn't just hidden but still has the physical barrier there and such?
That would be the greatest discovery in forge. But the idea that these objects have teleported from where you were holding them, to somewhere under the map seems equally strange.
We ended up going back to last save, as we hadn't done too much. We never checked if the object was there but invisible and untouchable, but I'm not sure how the objects could have teleported under the map.
I don't understand that either. Maybe it glitched out interacting with an object that had the same edges on all sides? (Where does it fall? What way does it go?)
I think we should try this in forge today, Flying Shoe, and if not, then tomorrow. If it works the way I hope it will, then I think, if the same glitch is in Halo 4, then we can make some cool maps out of this.
I'm not sure how we could do anything with the glitch. All it does is remove parts permanently from the sandbox.
Yeah, because there is actually a map that uses that concept of the object being hidden but the barrier still there for a bridge and it is nothing too new to me.