Suggestion for FH

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Achilles ANK, May 5, 2008.

  1. Achilles ANK

    Achilles ANK Ancient
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    Hey guys,

    One thing I've noticed here is that there is a lot of focus on making sure that map posts are up to the "standards", this is a really good thing because it certainly helps to sort through the maps and choose the ones for DL and to create a clean experience on the site.
    Thing is that for new members, or people inexperienced in posting it seems like there is a lot of trouble making their first post up to "standards". Currently what happens is that a bunch of people respond to the post with the same comment, "not up to standard...", "more pics kthxbye", and etc other suggestions and helpful tips to get the poster on the right track. This brings these lackluster maps and posts to the top of the list over perfectly good maps and it kinda sucks for those guys to have their posts full of suggestions pointing out their flaws.
    In my opinion it would be nice to have a Noobie Zone where first time posters or people that are just getting their feet wet in the forge can go to post their maps and expect criticisms and critiques on the format of the post and the map in general. Then when they feel like they have gotten the idea they post their nicely improved map and post format in the normal forums and they can receive normal feedback. Seems like it would benefit the community.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    or you could make a huge thing that when u register you NEED to read the tpic how to post your maps.THats a good idea but idn it seems unnessacry
  3. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    If you post your map people will see it and comment if they wish to. Being two or three places higher on the page of maps won't really make any difference on your maps popularity.

    The problems with poor map posting aren't ideal but its not a big deal really. Forcing members to post their maps into a "noob section" would just hurt their chances of a successful map.
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    THere should be Competetive Maps, Casual Maps, Race Maps, Mini Game Maps, Aesthetic maps and First maps where people can post their very first maps. and to avoid scaring people off make it super strict, nothing offensive, only constructive criticism.
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    When you put that in the register link, people wont read it.
    Does anyone actually read the usage/copyright stuff you have say you agree with on almost everysite?
  6. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    If there was a "nooby" catagory, we would have to allow for re-posting on other forums when the individual had successfully posted the map. Perhaps we could appoint Mods or Loyals to "Map Duty", where they would check for posting standards and then forward the map to whatever forum the posting member had designated it for. I've seen a lot of good first posts, and I wouldn't want to put these fine creations at any disadvantage by placing them in a derogatory catagory. Besides, that map duty concept sounds like something that would promote community involvement - always a good thing for FH.
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It really comes down to a behaviour change. I think the most powerful tool to aid in changing this behaviour is the rep tool. Whenever a member posts a very mean, inciteful post about how noobish a new member here that doesn't know any better, I visit the rep tool.

    The little scales next to each post is where you can add rep to people. You can either disaprove or approve of that post. If you would like to hopefully start seeing a change in people's behaviour then 'dissaprove' of their posts and explain why.

    If they go out of their way to provide detailed constructive criticisms the feel free to 'approve' of there behaviour and explain why.

    Another thing is leadership, if you consistently set an example of being nice to newer members, people are likely to follow.
  8. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    people can sometimes be immature and judge a map just on screens and if it is/nt inerlocked, thats why a lot of great maps go unnoticed, not because there is not a place for new users to post,
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I delete repetitive posts asking for pics when I see it, and that also alters where the map is on the forums because the last post time changes.

    People need to reply in a more mature and thoughtful way, and new members need to read the rules. But new members have an excuse - people harassing them don't. Just think before posting I guess.
  10. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I agree with Shock Theta, if they want to make asses out of themselves, let them, or maybe they should get a warning if they post "Not up to standards" or "More pictures" or other things that raise their post count. I guess the senior members need to help out the newbies and teach them to be mature.
  11. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    well you can address these things, it's just a problem if it's the same post by different people OVER and OVER and OVER again.

    Anybody in the community can help this problem with negative yet constructive feedback. Rep is really a great thing to have because it can be used to address issues like this.
  12. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    re-make maps need to have their own Sub-Forum
  13. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    on the maps sections you could make a template that has like a minimum of so many pics and spot for description and if it isn't filled out then you shouldn't be capable to post it. just a suggestion then you have to be up to standards

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