because its a "signal" which you'd have to obtain and has the chance of loosing. a direct line cant really mess up. but maaaan, ill be so happy when one day there's liek a completely stable wireless signal. i hate dealing with so many cords :[
The cords, but if u don't have a laptop or a TV next to ur computer then u should use wireless like me but its a little laggy
Direct connection is the best way to go. However, if I absolutely need to (for an example, my current predicament of having only one open port for my laptop), then wifi.
distance is always a factor when dealing with a router, but if the xbox is close to the wireless modem, you wont see any difference between the two I have both.
unless you have your xbox like right next the wireless transmitter then the cable will be better and even if you have i that close its cheaper to use the cord that comes with the xbox
right but during lans it pays to have some people running off wireless and some to be wired b/c if everyone is on one then it WILL lag, unless you've got t1/t3, in which case thats just great for you. *note, that would be assuming you count no less than five people as a lan.
The cable is generally faster, but I've gotten some amazing speeds on the wireless adapter for the 360. I rarely get any lag on it. The price is steep, but if you can find it used or discounted then it's totally worth it, especially if you have fast internet (I have 10 Mbps).