Countdown to Destruction, which I will abbreviate as C2D, is my entry in the Hub of the Dead III contest. It is an urban linear infection map. Now, I know many think that this is an overdone concept, and it is, but I wanted to make a map that takes a few overdone concepts and combines them into a unique whole. This is the first complete version of the map, which I will begin playtesting shortly. Now on to the photos: The first phase, a simple city street with a wall of debris blocking it off at one end. It looks a bit odd from this view, but on the ground level it looks better. In the first phase you gain access to a rocket hog. This hog is effective, but has limited manuverability and can wipeout easily. At 80 seconds these crates drop, leading into the 2nd phase. The 2nd phase is the sewers, one of the aforementioned overdone concepts in infection. At this stage the rocket hog can enter the sewer, but this is subject to change. This phase also has a hidden easter egg. At 160 seconds a grav lift will spawn, opening up the final area. Humans resurface in this back alley. Pass through this basketball court into the final holdout area. The final phase; a street with a derailed monorail train (Another overdone infection centerpiece) Weaponry: C2D features a plethora of hidden power weapons. Climb a rock and get past a soft kill to get a rocket launcher. Buddy hop over a barricade to grab a DMR. Drop into a soft-killed crevice to retrieve a sniper. Exploration is rewarded, but life-threatening. I'll be sure to post the finished version of this map on the forums within a few weeks.
Surprised no one has commented on this! This looks really interesting, but I don't agree with the power weapons thing. It's not fair when one person knows where something is but others don't. Also, kill boundaries are used to keep people away from somewhere, not draw them to it. I think if you had more budget and pieces, you should try to decorate the map, but as always, gameplay before aesthetics. Good luck in Hub of the Dead!
Not many of the power weapons are in soft kills, I think it's only the three I mentioned, and that's just to keep people inside the map while letting them explore it a bit. Some others are merely in somewhat hidden areas, and some are out in the open. The majority of the completely hidden ones I placed on the fly where kill zones would be anyway, almost like little easter eggs to go along with the one I mentioned in the sewer. Though I agree this could unfairly benefit people who know the map, so maybe I will make a few more obvious ones. As for the budget, it's $0. I could delete some things and add a bit of decoration, but I think the picture angles hide a lot of what is already there. It actually looks pretty good from a ground view. Thank you for your feedback and the well wishes.
Yeah, i like urban maps. The baseball field is somenthing i have never seen before, original. And.. the map has an sewer, wich is accessable. Well it looks nice. Good luck in the hub of the dead btw.