For a project, i've got to pick two environments, from a game or film, that i will research, reference and recreate in Maya, texture, and import into CryEngine3 to finalize. The environments can be from completely separate films/games, but size has been constrained to just a few meter large scenes. That means i've got to pick something like an apartment room, office or lab, and a narrow street or an alley. Just like to hear some peoples suggestions, please include some kind of reference, as it's important to find two choices that are simple to examine and have good availability of source material.
If you could, the inside of a pelican or longsword from halo would be awesome to see haha Good luck with this
Braid would be one that has some nice thematical elements to it. Specifically the part from the beginning. And Deadspace. Deadspace has amazing Evironments imo. As for movies... oldschool charlie and the chocolate factory.
I have a suspicion that the Portal 2 intro room may be too small to use, as examples i've seen are generally the size of a 2-story house, although 10x10m seems like a good figure. The pelican interior is definitely too small, unfortunately. I'm having a bit of a bigger problem with exteriors, because generally i prefer open world games, and i need to choose something more linear and enclosed, otherwise my exterior environment is going to look rubbish without any distant details. I'd prefer some kind of street or alley that is quite picturesque or memorable, but i don't know what. this may do Deus Ex: Human Revolution Apartment Tour - YouTube
What pinohkio said (I guess the TARDIS control room could fall under the category "lab") But as i now look at your video, that might be an good example of what to do. I cant really give good advice on this, but i can wish you good luck