Web Created by CaughtSword4 Map Description A map I slapped together for the Flag Reset Contest. Also, the first real map I made and the first I posted here on Forgehub. Now for the actual description: UNSC Training Facility: There are two bases. There is an upper and lower level. The lower level is long and confusing, but its safer than the upper level, which is much faster to pass but is very open. It's pretty easy to go from one level to the other. Weapons: Rocket Launcher-1 Spare Clip- 60 Seconds- Its in the middle of the map, in the upper level so it's really open there and hard to get to. 2 Snipers, a shotgun, a GL, some DMRs, and numerous frags. An overview of the whole thing. The numerous tunnels (only one in this picture). Unfortunately, this was not playtested (had no time) so I'm not sure how it will play. But I hope you enjoy it! Also, feedback is appreciated, but it is unlikely that I'll change the map, as today is the last day of the flag reset contest. I know, its not a great map, but its my first map.
BedSword4: Couple immediate issues: 1. It is annoying in terms of contrast. (color scheme) 2. No structure (( And no cover (( 3. Bottom level kinda looks like a maze 4. Lack of dancefloor 5. Lack of spawning clusters so respawning players can spawn together 6. It looks like you have only one initial respawn for each team 7. 60 secs 1sc is a REALLY DAMN FAST time for a rocket launcher. Emphasis on fast I know it's the last day, but it's kinda telling that you didn't test I feel bad for being so outright harsh with you, though. It's your first map Only way to go is up )
This is an insult to all the forgers who put time and effort into making good maps. I'm not sure what your point was in posting this if you know it's mediocre at best and are unwilling to accept criticism? Try making a serious design instead of throwing random pieces together. Don't use team specific spawn points until you have a clue what you're doing because on a map this size people are going to be everywhere and dynamic spawning is best. I'm not going to bother with further criticism since you say you're not going to change the map.
Yeah I know, its really bad, but yeah. Whats a "dancefloor"? I'm sorry if my map is bad. I never said I don't accept criticism. I like criticism (as long as its helpful) but yeah. I might change it a bit... but I kinda suck at forging.
@pyro It's his first map. And I thought I wasn't sugarcoating @caught Space to move around on the level for strafing and "feel" purposes.
What am I looking at? This is random,lazy,mazy,ect. You just put this together in 5 sec. and put no plan in this at all. yes this is your first map but no one would be proud of this no offence. take time in forge and get the hang of things before you decide to build a map and post it.
Im sorry but this is one of the ugliest maps ive ever seen, You should have put this in forge discussion as a map preview before posting it, to get some advice on forging this. And when i say ugly im not talking about any actual aspects of forging, i mean it literally looks unpleasing to the eye with so much going on. First of all you need walls and LoS blockers, and some height variation to make gameplay interesting. Also some ramps are needed because you need more than a couple ways up if your gunna have a second floor, also the second floor needs to be smoother and different objects that are wider would be nice, to create an actual floor. Im not too good at forging but it kind of looks like you didn't put much effort in the forging or the layout, and i dont know how this would even play in a game so ill give this a sturdy 1/10. Sorry if i'm harsh but pyro makes a good point. Also, do you really think this has a chance in the competition?
Guys. Chill out. All of your first maps were this bad or worse, I know for a fact my first map was much worse than this. Getting pissed at someone for posting a sub-par map is ridiculous, how can you expect them to improve? There have been a lot of much worse maps posted in this section, so I don't know why you all decided to get mad about it now. A lot of the actual criticism here is good at least, though way too loaded with emotion. The map is a bit of a maze, with paths being confusing on the lower level, making it difficult to navigate well. The upper level is quite powerful over the lower, and at the same time there is very little cover up there and very few connections between the levels themselves. Try to separate your map into a few separate areas instead of a series of hallways and connections, more like maps you may see in Matchmaking and less like a maze. Think of how Power House has several areas like the center basin, the buildings, the front yard, the side yard, the rocks, etc... all separated by walls or buildings or natural areas.
I wouldn't bother adding or amending to this map. It's not going to go anywhere that would be worth it. Use it as a stepping stone to move foreword to new projects and take what you've learned from this to make those better.
This map could actually be a great casual map. Get a mod to move it there. In my opinion, it's not going to be good for competitive play, but could be fun to play just for a casual game. The only thing that needs improving, is making it less grey.
I just want to be completely honest with you with my feedback. k. Ok so first there is practiclly no height variation. Second it looks like a maze Third as Spin mentioned, times/clips on RL are too much. Fourth there looks to be a lack of weapons and spawns And finally there are absolutely no aesthetics. I may be a bit harsh but I just wanted to give good, honest feedback. Also the name is a bit bland.