
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by StolenMadWolf, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Another test, another rebuild. I decided to try and get everything I learned from Sacrement and Sacrifice and make a new map by scratch. The one thing that remains from both maps is the Central Artrium because of the huge changes, but I feel like this map is better than the two, and is proberly my best.

    So heres the screenies:


    Tribute is a symetrical map intended for 1v1s and 2v2s, but I wouldnt be surprised to see 4v4 or objective games come into the fold. Tribute is more room based than its predcessors with more height variation. Players have five ways to get to the Central Atrium (CA), two tunnels to the ground level, two tunnels to the upper level, and a teleporter into the other side of the room (more on teles later). The CA has a new catwalk, like Sacrifice, it is four way, but is now more of a platform rather than a catwalk.

    PP's (Plasma Pistols)
    All of these weapons are on default timers of 30 seconds and 0 clips.

    One GL: 90 seconds and 0 clips (Hopefully)

    CPU- 180 seconds
    First Aid Kits

    Heres the remaining screenies:

    Central Atrium:
    Note the tunnels are different colours and there are lights to help you figure out which way to go.

    Blue Team Spawn Room:
    Note: Both Red and Blue rooms are the same.

    Orange/Green Room layout:

    Its home to the GL, a few DMRs and Medkits.

    Teleporters: If you are on the red side, the teleporter will take you to the far side of the artrium, near the blue side. Similar case through the other set.

    As always, please give feedback through the thread or messages. And ask for the DL if you want. I will be waiting for tests and feedback before I change it (the exception may just be neating the map up as I may have noticed a few cracks everyso often).

    AND I would like to give thanks to all who gave good constructive critism/feedback to me so I can get this map together back when I made Sacrement and Sacrifice.

    Hope this is a better map.
    #1 StolenMadWolf, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Is it a better map? I'm not really sure. Your weaponry is still overkill. I dislike the disjointed spawning for 4v4, but I think the map is too small for 4v4 anyway. I also dislike the spawns - in a 1v1/2v2 map it's OK to have clusters that big, but if you're going for 4v4 (again, if you choose to keep it) you might have to increase the cluster size. Also, the 1 high ceilings in some areas underneath bridges look awkward to be under.

    Top platform looks OP to me. Two healthpacks, two DMRs, and a GL. Your symmetricality is... awkward.

    I know that sounded negative, but don't take that all badly. It's all intended to be constructive.
  3. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Sure, I will weaken that platform a bit.

    As for the spawns, I said that I intended for 1v1, 2v2. I just thought that the map being larger may have been supportive for 4v4. Though I didn't plan for it.

    Oh and the bridges, I may swap around the block and the incline to offer some more space.

    And I curious, any reason why the symetricity is awkward? I'm guessing its because of the layout being quite a lot more different in setup rather than other maps?
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    No... it's just that you have weapons and things so close to the line of symmetry that things get duplicated right next to each other, so it looks super awkward. The layout in itself doesn't seem awkward to me.

    Also, just noticed from the overhead. The map is super disjointed. The bottom level of the bases just... ends. There are only two hard ways out of the bases, which doesn't help.
  5. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There are actually three or more hard routes out of each room which is great. However, I do think the layout could still be improved some more as it's somewhat awkward currently. Also, I think part of the reasoning behind the disjointed feel is the lengthy connections between each room, but that problem can be solved fairly easy.

    Additionally, I don't think the weapon layout it overkill at all. In fact, it's pretty good although I would recommend that you swap the grenade launcher and custom's positions. Top mid should already get a good amount of traffic on account of its height advantage, so you will want the quick respawning weapon where the action would be at less; bottom mid. While I'm thinking about it, there are way too many healthpacks, haha.

    There are some lines of sight I'm worried about here too, but I'll test it first and write the feedback on that later. That is, if you don't mind the same person constantly writing feedback. The map just keeps getting better and better with each rendition, man.
    #5 Auburn, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  6. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    You keep making changes and fixing your maps sent into the tester's guild. That is very impressive seeing how some people send it there and trash it if they get negative feedback. Not only are you fixing things, but you are making every version better than the last.

    For this map, It looks like there are some dead ends which can be really bad. I don't know about the gameplay, though (just looking at pictures). Keep it up and this is going to be very good.
  7. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    @spin and auburn, thanks for the tips so far.

    @2Fall, nice to hear that my maps are improving thanks.
  8. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Wait.. I only see two routes. Is there a route directly underneath another route?

    EDIT: Bah. I see it now. Nevermind. Auburn's comment makes sense.

    You're definitely improving :) Compare this map with the first version of Sacrement. This is a loooong way forward. Very impressive, especially considering the lack of effort many new people seem to put into their maps.

    Speaking of which, I'm actually newer to the 4chubz than you. lolz

    As for the weapon layout, I'm talking about the non-power weapons here. There are some random weapons lying around.. Most people won't bother to pick up an AR or PR if they start with DMRs. NRs, maybe.
    #8 theSpinCycle, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  9. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It looks great but the red light in the fourth pic is very sloppy.
  10. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Hey guys, I'm going to continue to improve Tribute, so feel free to keep posting and keeping this thread alive. Thanks.

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