Ragnarok is the new name for Valhalla The mantis is the giant mech we see in campaign, Which is also drivable there. ★ Halo 4 News - Mantis and Ragnarok Gameplay!! - YouTube
Video and discussion was in the halo 4 discussion thread. This should probably be merged to the halo 4 weapons, vehicles, all that jazz thread. Doesn't really need its own.
Uhhh... I was under the general impression that the Mantis was awesome. Of course, as neither of us have driven it I doubt either of us could accurately say how it will affect the game as a whole.
Well if the Mantis is going to be on Ragnarok, hopefully they will be replacing the banshees. Also a Star Wars themed gametype would be a riot. AT-ST v. Speeder bikes. Mantis/ghosts.
Well, the footage was on Ragnarok, so... I would say that (in our best knowledge) it is placed in (at least some variants) on Ragnarok.
How about a Mines of Moria setting, with the Mantis being the troll? Or a huge army of Mantises (or whatever the plural is) having to breach Minas Tirith (the zombies), while the Gondorian soldiers have to keep them out (humans)? I can see great (Lord of the Rings themed) Invasion and Infection maps being created that utilize Mantis gameplay. Or even a battle with nothing but Mantises (possibly using the Speed trick invented by Darth Human) which would represent Transformers.
Well.. if they make the mantis playable in H4, multiplayer/custom games, they also should bring the goliath from the Warhouse map. I cant see why people are negative about this, a new vehicle, great.. why not? This also could change up custom games a lot. I know i have some ideas. And then, its in multiplayer, again why not? The mantis is already known to be slow, and not overpowered. The thing i wonder about this vehicle is how the hijack is preformed.
Personally I agree with SpartanPeter to some degree. We don't even know enough about the Mantis to know how it will balance. We know its tall and slow and has some level of firepower, we do not know how powerful or accurate shots will be or the rate of fire, nor do we know how it will feel to drive or what a good driver can do with it. All we can go off of right now is a shred of video and some pictures, not enough to make any important decisions with it. That said, it sure looks cool. I don't see how it can be a bad thing from what little we know now. Edit: We also don't know if or when it will be on Ragnarok. Based on the pics it looks likely but we cannot be sure in what game modes we will see it. And as I said before, we do not know enough about how it will balance to know if it will be good or bad there. It is not however like putting an elephant in, as it can be destroyed and is really not that big a vehicle. I think the spartan laser, 2 banshees, 2 warthogs, 2 sniper rifles, and ability to spawn with plasma pistols, plasma nades, and pulse nades will also be enough to deal with a Mantis. [br][/br]Edited by merge: http://halo4nation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/screenshot_291046_thumb_wide940.jpeg Here is a picture I found looking at it from the front. While it's tall it's not a very thick vehicle, no really heavy armoring like some mechs do. Looks like a machine gun on one hand and missiles of some kind on the other. I'm guessing from the multiple missile slots they will be somewhere in the range of rocket hog missiles.
In the video it looks like the Mantis can walk upwards rocks very easily, as i now re-watch it. I agree with shoe, we dont know nothing about the mantis, but i do think 1 spartan laser shot, could take down the Mantis. Because it would be weird if you point the laser at the legs.. fire, and then it would only begin to smoke. The picture of the mantis shows two different weapons on the arms, supposingly a machine gun and rocket launcher. Also It has way less armor then the goliath. And i think it will appear in the bigger maps, and gametypes like BTB.
now we just need a custom gametype where we attach cables on the backs of Ghosts and then we drive around its legs and make it trip and fall
I wonder how susceptible it is to the Concussion Rifle. I could see pushing one of those off its feet being hilarious...
I hope we get this in first person. how awesome would it be to firsthand experience this, just with some crazy HUD?