You're making too many assumptions. There's no way you can know what the map actually is, unless you work for 343... You can't use words like definitely and clearly...
they werent playing split screen. thats when the problems really show. it was really hard to play a split screen custom game on a forged map in reach, which was my main gripe with it.
Same goes to you. Although, you're ideas are all very plausible, you just can't say stuff like this without evidence.
im not saying i know exactly what the map is, but im pretty sure i can say its clearly human when i can use my eyes and see that it is. i can say ravine and haven are clearly forerunner. i can say adrift is clearly human. so why cant i say the grifball map is clearly human when i see distinct human architecture traits on it? forerunners do not use grates or vents or overhead lighting like that. and im pretty sure it isnt covenant either, or do think that statement lacks enough evidence as well?
sorry man, but no, youre not. use your eyes. none of it looks like pieces put together, it looks like a single structure. im not positive about this, but its very unlikely that its made of forge objects. all i know for sure is that its human
Well how do you know the forerunner maps don't have human objects? It could be still on ravine. I doubt they'd take the risk of showing a new map in case of leaks.
because 1) we already saw the ravine forge objects, and theyre forerunner. we could possibly have an option to switch the palette, but i doubt it. anyway, more importantly, 2) i believe it is highly unlikely that it is made out of forge objects, that just doesnt make sense. why would they waste budget and objects on a forge map making a big empty room when they could just have a coliseum type area already built into the map geometry? and again, the ceiling lights wouldnt be part of a forge object. i dont really understand what you mean by a risk of leaks though. they were the ones demo-ing it, how could it be a leak?
I just don't get how you could know that. If it is in fact on a new map, there's no way you could know what pieces they'll give us. With the new lighting system, maybe they were able to add small lights like that. I'm only trying to say what is possible, instead of repeatedly trying to back my own theory. Because they didn't say which map it was on, and there's no way of telling. Yes, it's human, I get that.
i mean its possible, but its also possible that they could give us toilets or ceiling fans or fuzzy purple couches as forge objects. it just doesnt make any sense though. you asked how i knew it was human and not on ravine, and i gave my reasoning. think what you want, im not trying to shove anything down your throat, but im confident in what ive already said.
I agree completely with whoever says it's a not a map made through forge. Take the colosseum in Forge World for example. If that was made completely with forge objects, it would be Lags-R-Us. Same case here. There cannot be anyway that it is made completely out of forge pieces. Even if 343i fixed the lag problem (hoping they did), it looks too good to be a forge-made map. Also, I stand with my opinion when I think its a different map and not a part of Ravine.
Maybe the doors on the sides of the room can be deleted in forge mode. Otherwise, how the hell do you get out of that room.
I don't think so. Forge has moved on from that kind of thing. They're supposed to be canvas maps, which means that they don't come with any forge objects on them, unlike sandbox, which was a full map where you had to delete all the objects first.
from what I've seen in the video of ravine, it could be possible that its in the cliff face or something we didnt see in the video, also they have improved the forging abilities, so i thinks its possible that this could be made from forge pieces on another map, however we really can't be sure until more info is released, or until nov... but i would like to see a map where we can utilize water (and actually see when under) and a space environment map
The water would be impossible, as Spartans disintegrate at high moisture levels. Except under special circumstances like driving the Warthog underwater on The Silent Cartographer. Overall I'm hoping what we have actually seen of forge so far has been either beta in the case of ravine or a trick to make the space look smaller. Though why they have waited this long to do a real forge reveal is beyond me.
For sure man. We already got what apears to be a forrunner map so a big sort of Covy structure, (in space ?) would be cool, as for a human themed one. I dont care as long as you can add trees lol.