2142 The Ultimate Gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by duderdas, May 22, 2008.

  1. duderdas

    duderdas Ancient
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    Hey guys anyone here ever played Battlefeild 2142? If not no worries, basically it had one of the best gametypes I have played in any game called Titan heres and overview.

    2 teams
    4-6 nodes
    2 massive floating ships one for each side with sheilds
    each ship had 4 sheild genarators
    each ship had one power core
    destroy the core to win

    So at the beginning of each game all the nodes are neutral and by standing next to one for long enough one could capture a node. The nodes could be captured back and would change sides as teams fought for them.

    Once a node was captured the node would damage the oppenents titans sheilds. Once a titans sheilds were down players could enter the titan.

    Inside the Titan were four sheild generators when destroyed would kill the sheildoor protecting the titan core.

    Once the titan core was desroyed the team with the intact titan would win.

    SO... How would one go about creating a game type that would mimic Battlefeilds Titan gametype as much as possible.

    Keep in mind you could use items to mimics these rules...

    So lets hear forgehubs ideas on how to recreate the amazing TITAN BATTLES!!!
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Why not just do it yourself? I mean, it seems like what you're asking for is for us to make this for you. Why not try your own shot at this, and see how it goes?
  3. duderdas

    duderdas Ancient
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    I have tried some simple versions and I am not asking anyone to make anything only to gives ideas on glhow to make it work, besides ident forgehub for helping out fellow forgets etc?
  4. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    most of that would be made with items, not a gametype. And they would be really complicated switches (in my mind), so I can't really explain them...
  5. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    I could see this at least being simulated with a conquest gametype, and some switches inside each ship..
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I'm thinking that for that hole damaged node thing, it's like a grav lift. Once you destroy it, it spawns near the 'power-core', and allows access to it. The 'power-core' could be an arming point, or a territory. Actually, this sounds pretty nice.
  7. duderdas

    duderdas Ancient
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    If I could get this gametype working, I assure you I would have one of the best games out there. Iv been thinking about the switches etc but I cant really think of how to do the nodes part only the titan core part.
  8. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
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    durderas, I am willing to take on the challenge of creating this map and gametype.

    I am stuck on ideas for a new map and this might be the best idea I've heard so far.

    PM me.
  9. duderdas

    duderdas Ancient
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    Hmm I still need some ideas
  10. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
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    Yeah I'm working on stuff. Hey while you're thinking can you post some stuff for map suggestions as well as a concept map that I'm brainstorming ideas for.

    Map: Vicinity v2.0 link
    Idea: Here link

    What map do you want your concept map to be located on?

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