Hey guys Famous here with a new episode of Halo 4 Talk the series where i* talk about anything halo 4 related. Todays topic for disscussion is what* will your weapons of choice be in Halo 4.*Even if you have not played the game yet choose judging off of the gameplay/videos you have seen. What you think you will use most / what you want to use most. Halo 4 Talk: Your Top 5 Weapons of Choice For Halo 4? - YouTube
My ****. But really: BR DMR Pro-pistol thing (Bolt Shot or something...) Sniper and Carbine. Yup. don't judge me.
i am most eager to use the new weapons. top 5 i'd say would be BR, Railgun, Scattershot, Boltshot, Binary Rifle
1. Railgun - I've been waiting for this, sad it's a little too OP, because I'll be using it often. 2. Battle Rifle - Fan favorite, it's back, I hope it doesn't suck ass compared to the BR. 3. Light Rifle - Dual modes of fire, will be very handy. BR + DMR. 4. Magnum - Always Magnum, always. 5. Boltshot - A repeater pistol and shotgun in one, probably the best CQC sidearm.
Personaly, i would say the ability to shoot lazers out of my belly button that ive had scince i was a kid is the most greatest weapon ever but... 1. LightRiffle anyone? its like the BR/DMR only moar badass 2. Incineration Cannon 3. Railgun. <note the period, it is very important. Railgun PERIOD! 4. Hard debate for number 4 but im gonna go shottie. New shottie looks kinda great. 5. Carbine is probably gonna be my fav weapon for always and all time. I started playing halo at reach so i never gotta use it all that much. Can i add to this question and ask for favorite map seen so far? Mine would be Adrift.
BR Carbine (Have been waiting for this for ages!) Sticky Detonator SAW Beam Rifle (Looks much better)
1. Battle Rifle - My favorite weapon from Halo 2. I really hope they got the feel right in Halo 4 as well 2. Sniper Rifle - Always a favorite when it comes to long distance engagements 3. Rail Gun - A mix between the Spartan Laser and the Grenade Launcher? Yes please! 4. Boltshot - Loved this idea. A mix between a pistol and a shotgun. Original to say the least 5. SAW - It looks awesome, but seems to be overpowered. I guess we'll find out in november Now to a more critical thing about the Halo 4 weapons. I don't believe in the formula "The more the merrier" when it comes to an arsenal of weapons. A lot of these weapons are very similar to each other. 4 mid-range rifles: Battle Rifle, Carbine, DMR & Light Rifle 3 automatics: Assault Rifle, Supressor & Storm Rifle 3 snipers: Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle & Binary Rifle 2 shotguns: Shotgun & Scattershot I know there are small differences to all of these, but many of them just feels the same to me. What does the Scattershot do that the Shotgun doesn't? Make bodies vaporize? The 3 snipers all seem VERY similar to each other... But maybe I'm just wrong and they will all handle differently in game...
1. Flagnum Nothing compares. Bow down to the might of the Flagnum. srsly: None of the new weapons really seem interesting to me. Much of it seems to be creating new weapons that serve small niches..
The scattershot isn't as powerful as the shogun, but the pellets have a ricochet ability. Also the Beam Rifle, unlike the sniper, doesn't have a clip and instead overheats. It's difficult but when timed right the shots can be paced quicker than a sniper. Also the Promethean sniper (forgot the name :O ) is a one-shot kill anywhere, but when scoped in it puts off a laser letting everyone know where you are. Minor differences, yes, but I think it's enough to earn their place in the weapon sandbox. My top 5 in no particular order: Carbine- super deadly if you can maintain accuracy (Which I probably won't lol) Incinerator- Looks to be a solid new power weapon, but not entirely overpowered Sticky Detonator- Almost like my good friend the Grenade Launcher Railgun- **** yea Suppressor- I don't know why, but I just really like the way this looks and sounds. I can see it coming in handy when using the loadout setup that allows two primary weapons
Let's see Boltshot - It's a Mauler and a pistol. Hot dayum. Suppressor - Same as Dax, just looks enjoyable to use. Storm Rifle - I love my plasma rifle, but this looks even better. Railgun - It looks awesome, and it doesn't insta-kill/ flip a warthog. Hell yeah. Incinerator Canon - Explanation unneeded.
Top Five (No particular order) 1. DMR - It's changed a since Reach and I'm really curious to see how it handles 2. Railgun - This thing just sounds like a monster, plus I've always loved the Splaser 3. Boltshot - The idea of two shot modes makes this gun really versatile 4. Beam Rifle - I was obsessed with this gun in Halo 3 5. Storm Rifle - Curious about how it won't overheat when shot correctly
Top 5 in order: -Carbine -DMR -Light Rifle -BR -Boltshot I already have a loadout setup in mind, taking into account the fact that I'm getting the LE specializations. Already loving every aspect of this game. Also, anyone scared of how much firepower there is all over the map at any given time? The forerunner weapons alone make me shudder with their dual firing modes and firepower... I mean, the friggin BINARY RIFLE!!! It's insane!
yeah, I don't think removing no scoping is much of a nerf. In fact, now you have both an overpowered sniper and a shotgun all rolled up into one weapon...