I know yea, the banner isn't great. Puerto Escultura is a 8v8 BTB map. This is my first map on the site and hoepfully not the last. The map is based on the island and the opposing coastline. Each team has a warthog and mongoose, with a neutral ghost and falcon. Also each team has a sniper and turret, with a neutral grenade launcher. Unfortunatly becuase I don't have XBL I can't give you guys a download link. Hopefully I'll be able to get it soon. Anyway, here are the pictures: Thanks guys, for having a look and any feedback is more than welcome. Oh and, keep and eye out for my next map. :wink:
It looks like the map is very open and that you've uesd lazy cover (aka random blocks) in order to break up LoS. The map needs much more structure. I can't really understand the vehicle circuit from the layout, either.
He's right. If theres vehicles, there should also be a clear vehicle circuit. If there's no circuit, you can't predict where vehicles are gunna go. Vehicles become too overpowered when they have the freedom to go anywhere. It looks like you're missing some height variation too, resulting in annoying long range DMR shots. Try to segregate your areas a little more. At least in the middle, there's nothing really blocking players from seeing huge portions of the map. You have some pretty cool real world aesthetics though, and I'm always a fan of asymmetric BTB maps. Not bad!
hopefully this is an outline. if this is it then all I have to say is you need more time making this better. If you going to have cars make room for them and you put lots of random blocks. Since you dont have xboxlive you dont know about how other gamers forge but exploring this site will give you a pretty good Idea
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Is there any way I can fix the driving circuit? Also cheiyijei I have some experience looking at other maps.