So far Ravine has been shown, which is forerunner themed as far as I can tell. Any ideas to what the other environments will be? Anything you would absolutely love to have? Personally, I want another Sandbox-like map, and for the third maybe a snow themed map.
Map with more human parts, especially large ones. Not sure how much I care about the atmosphere, but snowy would be my first choice.
this has been discussed in some other threads too but... i want one in a covie ship, similar to that one firefight map in reach that was in a covenant hangar, but on a much bigger scale. and then i want one that is a human themed winter map. i would also settle for the return of sandbox
I'm really hoping for a covenant themed forge environment with some purple colored objects and whatnot. It might be strange to see what forge objects would come with it though considering the covenant architecture has a generally more curvy design, but I'm getting tired of forerunner.
Hm I'd want a snow themed map, like avalanche, I agree a covenant map would be pretty neat too. And either Sandbox or Foundry themed.
★ Halo 4 News - Grifball on Forge (New Map)!! - YouTube I'm definitely positive that this will be another forge map. The map is called Forge and it's just a big empty room. Perhaps some re-imagination of Foundry? As for the third, I want it to be a snow-themed map. I love snow-themed environments, and to have forge on it would be great. I loved Avalanche so much.
I really hope this new "forge" map has more than just that one big room. They've shown 2 of the 3 forge maps and so far, they're pretty small. Im hanging on to the hope that what they've revealed is only a small part of the actual maps. Otherwise, all there is to work with is basically a smaller version of forge world (ravine) and a foundry type map (forge) which has already been done in halo 3. EDIT: Right at the start of the video, you hear him say "there's a whole world outside..." Does he mean outside of that room?
A map that has everthing from pipes to pallets to bridges. Forge needs to be expanded in terms of objects.
You never know.. this could be a part of Ravine, that we just haven't seen.. (lolz rhyming). Also, when they showed that grifball map, the announcer said that "there is a big world out there" so it is more than just the large coloseum.
i had not seen that before! holy **** grifball looks awesome now! as far as the map, my suspicion is that it is the new "coliseum" area and that, as said earlier, it is a part of the map "Ravine." we still have 2 more to see. However, if that is actually map 2, i would not be totally disappointed, unless it uses the same pieces as Ravine, in which case -very umad. but seeing as how it looks forerunnerish i am thinking it's Ravine.
I dunno, they showed the colisseum part of Ravine in the video when it first came out. It doesn't look like the one in this video. Perhaps the grifball arena in this video is actually a map made out of the new pieces? Doubtful but possible.
did they? damn, i must have missed that one. edit- oh i see what you mean... i was thinking it'd be something else separate from that crazy forerunner tower thing on the edge of the cliff. thats what you're referring to yes?
i dont think what you referring to is what 343 considers a colisseum. i think that is just part of the map. maybe this grifball arena is built into the cliff side or an area we havent seen. because when they made the PIG contest at RTX this summer the guy that made the obsticles said it was bigger than what they showed in the forge demo. Or maybe its part of a colisseum in a new forge map that we havent seen, but i dont think that it is the only part of that forged map. I am also hoping that a lot of those pieces in the grifball demo were forge pieces and not part of the colisseum.
the grifball map is definitely not part of ravine, its clearly a human structure. if it is a separate forge map and not just something they made specifically for grifball, then i'd have to assume there is a human object pallete too also, i think a covie forge map would be neat, but extremely hard to have objects that are versatile and can actually go together with a lot of other objects. everything is just so curvy, their entire architecture is based on form over function and is just really inefficient.
it is not a human structure. It is just a grifball map made out of forge pieces. for all we know. it could be on ravine, but I think from all that we can see in this map, we can't see any part of this map that isn't forge pieces.
how do you know its made of forge pieces? it doesnt really look like it to me. and the grates/vents on the floor, as well as the lights on the ceiling tell me its of human origin. the ceiling lights also lead me to believe it is not made of forge objects, theres no way they would make an object like that. its not ravine, and its not forerunner, i can tell you that much.
well, if it's an enclosed area but there is space for forging outside, then it must be made out of forge pieces. unless you honestly think that 3433 would spawn you in a box where there was perfectly usable terrain outside. besides, it would be a pretty damn small forge map if it was. Just look at Ravine. That's the kind of size of map that thee forge variants are going to be. I'll bet you the one rep that I have collected that that grifball map is made out of forge pieces.
id say its more likely that its similar to the coliseum on sandbox (one small way in covered by a single forge piece, and a larger space outside) or that its just not a forge environment at all, but a map 343 made just for grifball. i really hope its not made out of forge pieces, cause they would be pretty shitty pieces. all that glass/lights/detail=lag city