Welcome to the DUAL DISASTERS MAP PACK The package includes 2 crazy Infection maps, Endangered Estate and Catwalk Catastrophe. ENDANGERED ESTATE This map requires a CUSTOM GAMETYPE to play. This once wealthy plot is now your last line of defense. Use with AZ-NJ [EE] gametype. 12-16 players. Endangered Estate is a bigger infection map heavily focused on team based play for both sides of the spectrum. Hold down the Estate for as long as you can, or venture out into the yard and defend the garage or shed! Pick off the infected from the porch-top, perch yourself in the attic, or try your luck defending the fountain! Watch out for invisible Stalkers, or unstoppable Beasts! HUMANS: -Humans cannot jump. -Can take three hits before they're dead. -Start with Shotgun and Assault rifle. INFECTED: -Able to teleport and quickly move around the map. -Active camo (STALKER) and Overshield (BEAST) powerups available for pickup around the spawn areas. -Faster movement speed, have sprint and higher jump. Screenshots: Spoiler CATWALK CATASTROPHE This map is compatible with DEFAULT INFECTION gametypes. Death is coming...all you can do is postpone it. Works with the default Infection gametypes. 10-16 players. Catwalk Catastrophe is a fast paced house map that is reminiscent of a church that has been ravished by some unseen force. There are construction parts littered around the area. Some of the catwalks have been severed and destroyed. Once again, you must work as a team to survive. Should you try and hold off a doorway by blocking it with a crate, or try your luck at defending the catwalks? Maybe you'd like to defend the generator that could blow at any second! Either way, you're as good as dead. Screenshots: Spoiler Developer's Note: These two maps were a blast to create and play on. Testing was a real chore, but it was well worth it in the end. Thanks to anyone who helped test the breakage on EE, FM and the BB helped the most, but I'm pretty sure he changed his gamertag again. Anyway, I sincerely hope you guys have fun playing on these two maps! Download ENDANGERED ESTATE Download CATWALK CATASTROPHE Download the CUSTOM GAMETYPE
**** yeah Nick! I love both maps, I've played them a lot with you last year, and I enjoyed the thrilling and scary experience they offer. You managed to turn these two maps into true Survival Infection beauties, with unique features and enjoyable aspects, such as the good old attic in EE, or the outside catwalk in CC. It's great to see you publiced them after all, I'll be sure to talk to Berb about getting these in the Database, and if I can I'll talk to Oakley to see what he thinks!
Hey thanks for the comment! I'm glad you like the maps. That would be awesome if Oakley could get them in TFHE.
I'm gonna give it a bump. How come nobody else noticed these maps? Was it because of the decreased interest in Reach or something? These deserve more.