After hearing that there was going to be a co op element called "spartan ops" i was like ugggh.... but then i have to say from what i have seen it looks pretty effing awesome! new missions every week? thats pretty cool. But why dont they still add firefight? i mean really that was a halo personal favorite on reach, (maybe they can release a dlc for it or something?) but yeah, i am a fan of games that have a co-op gametype in them because it adds replayability. anyone elses thoughts?
I never liked Firefight much. Halo just didn't feel like the best medium for that type of game. It was alright in my opinion, but Spartan Ops sounds much more enjoyable. And on that note let's all go play Mass Effect.
Yeah Halo 3 ODST Fireflight was the best, simply because well the maps were better, you had the VISR mode at night, and you had to follow the game changes. In reach you can just bump up a few things. That temptation to cheat ruins it to me...
That and the enemies don't hold the same threat they did in ODST. I laugh at the brute chieftains in Reach, and in ODST, I fled every time I spotted one. They were truly something to fear in that game.
UNDER 9000!!! no, but seriously, I still don't see why they could not have just gone back to whatever ODST had.
Dang I sure as hell liked Firefight, even in Reach. Spartan Ops sounds nice though, it might be ven better. We'll see.
A friend and I have a plan to lock ourselves away for several days straight, finish campaign and then boss each Spartan Ops mission one by one as they're released together. So yeah, Im looking forward to Spartan Ops... never really cared for Firefight even in ODST (although it was more fun back then).
Yea firefight in reach was just dull. All you did was get to a spot that had an ammo cache and hold out. No reason to move around since they never ran out. In ODST you had to move around to get power weapons because if you just camped near your ammo/start location it would eventually go empty. I'll take spartan ops co-op over reach's bullshit any day.