Squad-VIP-Standoff(slayer gametype using VIP)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by O7Ghost, May 22, 2008.

  1. O7Ghost

    O7Ghost Ancient
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    Not exactly a forged map but more of a new game type, me and a friends have been spending a lot of time on it and it needs tested. Some random guy online told me to bring it here for the best bet of getting some people together to help me out with it. So here it is.

    It uses VIP but is a slayer game
    3 rounds
    10 min rounds
    1 life per round
    4x over shield acts as health

    4 classes

    Assassin-good camo increased speed and sword only also has very low health(also the vip so is selected by random at beginning of game were all other classes are of yours and teammates wishes)

    BR is standard weapon for next three classes(each class also receives a fire nade, heavy weapons receives 2 ) Health and movement all normal

    Heavy Weapons - Uses rocket launcher and receives a bubble shield

    Medic - Uses shotgun and receives shield regen

    Sniper - Uses sniper and receives trip mine

    So far standoff is the only map i have this set up for. There are no weapons on map except those which are chosen at start. However there is a shield drainer which appears at the begging at missile platform 2 and at 3 minutes a spartan laser spawns at missile platform 1

    Game is meant to be a tactical game, your shields do not regen unless by use of the shield re generator which the medic carries.

    Needs tested badly... Gamertag is O7Ghost with an "O" oh not a "0" zero
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Hello new member and welcome to forgehub. As you visit this site more often, you will get used to everyone and discover what a close knit community we are. However, I can see your post isn't quite in line with the posting rules. If you would please read this topic for information instructing you on proper posting and rules. Thank you, and if you have any further questions please contact me by sending me a private message.
  3. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    If its not a map dont post it here
    Brute has provided a great forum that should be read

    If you wish to post gamtypes, you could do a few things
    post it in a different forum, make a map to go along with the gametype so it meets these standards, or ask a mod to move this link for you
  4. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
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    sounds good, but pics would be good to demonstrate how it works
  5. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We need some pictures to show us the map.
  6. O7Ghost

    O7Ghost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh man sorry i didn't mean to clutter up your forums guys. Does anyone by any chance know of a website devoted to making game types that would be more suited for my creation? Feel free to delete my threads I should have read the rules first sorry again for the clutter.
  7. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fear not, good sir ...

    For future reference, this would be more suited to the 'Forge Discussion' area of ForgeHub.

    I'm sure a kind Moderator will move this and clean it up.

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