Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I'm pretty far from a noob and think this change is a huge improvement. The old system heavily over-emphasizes getting the first shot at distance; therefore the best way to be a cold-blooded murder machine is sit far away from people, behind cover, and pop out until you get first shot on someone, then finish them off because they basically can't retaliate. I don't find this to be good gameplay at all and never have. Having the opportunity to come back from shots down is quintessentially Halo, yet is harder to pull off in Reach than previous titles, for several reasons; at long range it's close to impossible thanks to the scoping issue, unless the other person is just horrible with the DMR.

    They still need some kind of negative for getting hit while in scope - it's particularly necessary for snipers. I could almost see keeping the old mechanic for snipers scoped in as opposed to other weapons. Short of that, shaking their aim will hopefully be sufficient. But for DMR and BR battles, this change is a plus, in my book.
    #6541 Nutduster, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I'm fine with all of this, actually. However,

    •Binary Rifle, Scattershot, and Incineration Cannon are the 3 weapons that do the disintegration effect on players.

    I thought that all of the Promethean weapons disintegrated the unlucky foe?
  3. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love the mechanic of getting shot out of scope on 4v4 maps. Bit sad to see it changed just for BTB. Also, I ****ing hate flinching in CoD, really hope it's not too bad in Halo 4.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Ain't just BTB brah. Boardwalk... shudder. Cross-mapping battles on Asylum (e.g. from sniper to the other team's base or rocks)... shudder. If you get just past a certain comfortable range, de-scoping takes priority over all else because it's too hard to land shots out of scope - particularly in any playlist with bloom, but even without it, for those of us that have TVs that are less than monstrous in size.

    This is one of those things that has been such a thorn in my side, I don't even care that the change is more ammo for the "Call of Halo" crowd.
    #6544 Nutduster, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  5. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    What? I see that as a good thing :I

    BTW I feel like they shuld make it to where if you still have shields, you dont get knocked out of scope. Its not like its actually hurting the player. Just damaging shields. But when shields are down, then I think it would be necessary to be knocked outa' scope. I think it would play so much better if that was the case.

    EDIT #3: I think it would be cool if you pick up a weapon with low ammo or you happen to already be running low on ammo, there would be a voice (kinda like Aunti Dot from reach) that tells you if you're running low. But its kinda late for that suggestion :/
    #6545 RoboArtist, Sep 27, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  6. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like that back and forth though.
  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    -Weapons having recoil. (Weapons inherently focused on more flinchy mechanics)
    -ALL weapons no longer get knocked out of scope when you're shot at.(more emphasis on flinching mechanics)
    -The support upgrade Stability Steadies your weapon while being struck by incoming fire.(if there is a perk specifically designed to minimize flinching........)

    Not looking good for you.

    Personally as annoying as it was getting scope locked by accident, Unscoping someone was its own mini game based on aim/skill/timing you dodge one shoot you get your change to unscope them and vise versa.
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    that is some awesome info, thanks for posting that! (podcast info)

    like most of the "call of halo" type of changes, we really just have to wait and see how it feels once we're playing. i agree with those that are saying the scope/flinch changes are a positive thing.
    also, instead of thinking of the negative aspects of it, think of the positive. now, when you are sniping and some douche is just peppering at you with the AR from miles away (which previously would have descoped you and been very annoying) you can now learn to adapt to that, adapt to the flinch, stay scoped in, and still get your kill.

    im confused why the banshee gets more health though, that thing was a ***** enough already... ???
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Well they slowed down its flipping abilities so it isn't nearly impossible to hit.
    Also, Reach has convinced me that using "adapt" in an argument is always wrong.
  10. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    With the new damage system for vehicles, and so many anti vehicle weapons atop the slowed banshee, I think the health boost may have been needed.
  11. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Personally i didn't scope much anyway in DMR duels unless long range and didn't get much fight back anyway so doesn't bother me that much. (just the feeling of getting first shot hitting them dead on for a 5shot knowing they can't shot back easily at long range will be missed)
    But making the sniper more stronger that's a negative to me. I hate snipers.

    Banshee was nerfed from Halo 3, You gotta take every aspect into consideration. Maybe the stronger weapons kill it faster, other vehicles more resistant needed to be bought up to par maybe everyone having sprint 24/7, AA's and perks etc.

    Also never use "always wrong" in a argument there is exceptions to every rule. ;)

    In this case adapting isn't a inherently bad concept. Ex:if something is better but different you adapt for the better.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    All of your complaint pertain to Reach. Unscoping wasn't a problem in the past games because there wasn't a DMR. The DMR is the reason why it's much harder to come back from a shot or two down in an even matched battle and the DMR is why that long range scenario exists. So maybe the DMR shouldn't have come back or shouldn't have been a starting weapon. It's easy if the DMR did come back to swap it in and out of matchmaking or set it as a starting weapon in custom games. It takes a TU to change this scoping thing. That is why I hate it.
  13. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I'm kinda getting sick of the DMR and all "problems" its causing for map design. I'm probably going to start designing maps around the BR and a H2/H3 gametype.
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    We really should have given you a front page blog or something cluckin
  15. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
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    Considering the Mantis is now on Valhalla, I wonder if it's replacing the Wraith. It seems like it would have a much easier time navigating the terrain. Though... that makes me wonder how one would jack that vehicle and subsequently kill the person you kicked out.
  16. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    I literally just bought the game.
  17. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I for one still think those kind of scope battles are silly in Halo. Even if we don't get knocked out (I'll agree that it's a plus for non-sniper weapons) of scope, I still think the whole long range duels that were sort of popularized by the DMR aren't fun to watch or fun to play. Closer range, back-and forth strafing and jumping battles are so much more intense IMO, mostly because it employs strafe and the entire golden triangle much more than those scope-fights on Boardwalk. Those fights are usually weapon-only with strafing having a minimal impact at that range. Booooooorriinggggg.

    Sure, not getting knocked out of scope is a plus, but I hate that it appears that this type of battle is being emphasized, as shown in the rather large map sizes. Not getting knocked out of scope doesn't help the fact that long-range battles are one-gun games without much else involved. Sprint seems to mess this whole thing up IMO; it requires bigger maps with longer spaces which mess up the strafe, melee and grenade aspects of the fights.

    As for the Mantis...I'm not sure what to think of it. A mech strikes me as a neat addition to Halo. I hope it handles well; I think that would be my biggest concern.
  18. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    wowwww dat complex and dat railgun! looks awesome.
    now its definitely clear that complex is a large map as well.

    jacking the mantis is probably gonna be so epic. imagine if you were in the banshee and you bailed out and landed on top of the mantis and jacked it. epic.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I don't really see your point. H3 was the only one which didn't have such an effective ranged weapon really. The H2 BR was pretty beastly at range as well, and so was the CE Pistol. The main difference with the DMR is that it's hella easy to use, it's not so much the range that's the problem. Tbh the H2 BR was pretty damn easy to use as well. Imo the answer is to make the thing harder to use, which it kinda sounds like they're doing with the reduced aim assist.

    As for not scoping out, my instinctive reaction is negative, but I want to try and get used to the game for a good month or two before I say for sure, I might end up enjoying it. Though I agree with those saying that it's gonna unbalance the sniper something rotten. I can't see any way in which that's gonna end well.

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