Hello ForgeHub community, just thought I'd make a thread introducing myself! You can already see my name, so I won't go into details about that, heh. I signed up to this in order to look for more friends to play custom games with but also to improve my own forging skills (I'm a bit of a novice at the moment) and provide feedback to others. Hopefully we'll all have amazing fun in Halo 4 and beyond!
Hello, Jake On behalf of nobody, welcome to Forge Hub. By the way, if anyone named Sky comes into the thread and mentions a chloroform rag he wants you to smell, it's all right to smell it. I did and I didn't get knocked out.
Hello Jake,Im Cheiyijei and I would like to welcome you to ForgeHub. I think youll learn lots of forging tricks from other members that forge great things. I also hope we'll have amazing fun in Halo 4... and BEYOND!!!!!!!!