Hey. I have a map dedicated to being like a last man standing sort of map. I'll cut right to the chase. The problem is, is that when people join the game, after the match has already been started, the human spontaneously dies, and the one who joins becomes the new human. That only seems to happen, depending on how many people are in the game. At first I set the Infection Gametype to have only 15 Zombies, and had that problem. I figured the problem was because of that, so I pushed it down to 8 Zombies (since there's no other numbers between the two) and made it so that Coop is possible. Though, the problem still persists. Is there anyway around this? All I'm trying to do is get people who join to spawn as a Zombie, without affecting the Game or killing the Human at all; taking there place. PS: A method (that failed) that I've tried, is to have something spawn on and cover the Humans' Initials (like a rock, or grass) after they spawn, and put neutral spawns in some kill areas, so people who join would be turned to Zombies. Though as I've said, that didn't work either.
The moment someone joins the game, their traits are decided and they are designated as either Zombie or Survivor. Therefore, blocking spawns will not fix the problem you are having. The only thing that I can think of is setting the gametype so that there is never space for any Survivors to join, but plenty of space for Zombies. Other than that, I'd say don't allow anyone to join during the game, as a last resort.
Could you please elaborate that in more detail? Just so I can understand your suggestion more. Also, as much as "not allowing people to join" would be great, I can't stop other players from Inviting others.
I don't know what you have planned, but you could set it up as juggernaut. And you could set the score so that whoever kills the juggernaut wins. Wait. I'm pretty sure juggernauts have to have gravity hammers.. oh well. If you're planning on giving the juggernaut a cqc weapon, this will work fine.
Yep, unfortunately that is true. One of my earliest minigames in Reach failed miserably because of that little detail.
Different issue but similar question, how do I make a game always start with last man standing no matter how many players are in the party? do I set it for 15 initial zombies, or do I have to force it with spawns? Whether there are 16 players or 5 I need there to always be one human
Unfortunately i dont think the problem can be fixed. The real problem lies in letting people even join after starting the match. If you set the lobby to closed, this will never happen. You should always set the lobby to closed before you start a custom game. Especially for linear infection. It completely kills the vibe when someone joins late and you have to run back to their spawn to kill them. Especially when it happens 3 or 4 times per game.