Halo Reach ForgER Review

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CoookkieMonster, Sep 22, 2012.

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  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The fact you seemed to take such great offense to my pointing out the flaws in the video is why I stopped replying. I didn't think that you would go ahead and bash me for doing that. If I had ill intentions I would have had a much shorter post.

    I spent the good part of a half hour putting together the points for that post, and looked over the video several times just to make sure I wasn't saying something outright false. And while you may not have asked for feedback or criticism in the OP, you did ask after I brought up the whole thing about the music.

    So please, you asked for feedback, I gave it. You didn't like said feedback, and then accused me of being a liar and rude. Now, I don't want to drag this off topic or keep this going on, but that is really disprespectful cosidering the fact I had all intentions of helping you better your videos in the future. I pointed out some flaws, yes, but I listed far more ways that you can improve than I did just point at things.

    EDIT: I also feel it necessary to mention that you are the creator of the video, therefor your opinion of what is true and false regarding the content of the video is biased. Simply shrugging off another opinion in this case and calling it a lie is ludicrous. Now understand, I am not attacking you. I am not making fun of you. I am simply stating facts as I see them, and ways that things can be improved. If you do not like that, well fine, but don't call me a liar.
    #21 Aschur, Sep 24, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright, there are so many things wrong in this thread.

    The most legal way to credit music is by containing the credit in the medium which uses the copyrighted material. Thus, credits. Not video description.

    HomerSPC | Daily - YouTube. I talk in upwards of two hours during some recording sessions. Argument invalid.

    I've been making videos for longer, and yet I still take constructive criticism. It's part of being a YouTuber. If you're honestly going to be this arrogant, stop right now.

    Arrogance does not win: [​IMG]

    You can absolutely help if you are sick. You don't record. As to being rude, I've been called a homosexual because of the way my voice sounded. And I just shrug it off. Maybe you should try this?

    Again, arrogance. Not sure how you're popular. Definitely not showing a good first impression on these forums. Why would I even want to watch a YouTuber who thinks they're the ****?

    13 seconds of a song is still absolutely copyrighted material. If I was a band, I'd file a claim just to spite you and show you that you can be hit for it. What network is this? I'm guessing TGN or a sub-network of TGN.

    Welcome to YouTube. Population: 1 Billion assholes. Hope you enjoy your stay.

    This will be the first "offensive" thing I will actually say, and I think the first I have seen in this thread: Maybe you're offended here because we have higher standards than you have for yourself.

    Now before I quote my last quote, what do you want me to say? This video is amazing and I think you should have RayWilliamJohnson subscriber numbers and video views? Saying that would be an utmost lie, and to be honest, it would only worsen the condition you already find yourself in. You need to come down to Earth and realize that people are here to help you. Every YouTuber has faults -- I will admit I have faults. However the fact of the matter is, you have faults and people will call you out (although in Aschur's case, politely inform) on those faults. If you honestly want to be a YouTuber, you must be able to deal with those faults being brought to your attention.

    So, I actually have had enough of the arrogance in the thread. Threads are for discussion, and the best discussion is constructively giving criticism . If you don't want constructive criticism, I can absolutely remove the video from this thread and lock it so it falls down to the depths of the forum. That's your choice.
  3. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Oh there was false information. First he told me I didn't credit the music when I did. Then went on to tell me to record audio and video seperately, when I always do. And he was absolutely making fun of my voice! What does he expect me to CHANGE my voice? No, that's not possible, it's not humanly possible, so he was just making fun of it. When it comes to video making I know exactly what I'm doing and didn't need his "advice", because none of it was helpful. Like I have an order I make my reviews; I do the people's maps chronologically to show how they improve over time and he's telling me to do it some other way. And when I absolutely disagree with the idea of picking out flaws. When I comment on someone's map or video I point out what they did well. If they already finished the map or video it is FINISHED; telling them what they did wrong won't change what's finished it will simply make them feel bad. Why do you think hundreds and hundreds of forgers message me for help with their maps, hm? Because I'm one of the only nice forgers in Halo, and I'm not a critic of other people's work, especially when they clearly know what they are doing. I make hundreds of videos for OTHER people's maps. Are you STILL confused about anything?

    Edited by merge:

    Oh btw I'm not claiming my videos to be perfect or saying I should have millions of subscribers, not at all. I've been improving my videos little by little for years now. I'm just saying I don't want advice from people who don't know what they're talking about, especially when they put it in a negative way as aschur did. Now if everyone would stop bashing my thread (which is against the rules anyways) that would be great.
    #23 CoookkieMonster, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  4. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If only I could just leave it at that. No spam: Why is it so hard for people to take criticism on this site? Isn't that what we're on this forum for in the first place? CookieMonster, no one is the absolute best when it comes to anything, let's say in this case, making youtube videos. People can always learn from others and improve. If you don't listen to your fans about how to improve your videos then you are going to lose those fans very quickly. Don't take it as an insult, they're just trying to help make your videos better. You can't honestly say that you have THE best videos out of all the millions of videos on youtube, because if you did then I would imagine you'd have views of at least 9 digits, so I suggest you listen to those giving you feedback. No one's saying the video is bad. Honestly it's better than some of the videos around here, but it can still improve just like everything else.

    Still rambling sorry, I just keep thinking of more stuff. Example: Ever heard of Michael Jordan? Once upon a time, he didn't make the cut for his highschool basketball team because his jumpshot was atrocious. Sure, he could drive to the goal like no other and score almost every possession if he wanted, but his shooting skills weren't the best. Instead of saying "**** you, coach. I don't want to improve my shooting skills, I'm just going to stick with what I do best and drive the lane everytime," he decided to listen to his coach on how to improve his jumpshot so he wouldn't be a one-dimensional player. And now he is known as being one of the best NBA players in history because of his jumpshot. And you know why? Because he listened, and he improved by doing so.

    <3 you CookieMonster, just trying to help.

    Edited by merge:

    Just read your edit. You're getting there, just not quite all the way there yet. You said you dont want advice from people who haven't been making videos for as long as you have or who aren't as skilled in making videos, because they "don't know what they're talking about." But here's the thing: a person's skill in making videos isn't relevant to their quality of feedback/criticism. You should listen to them regardless of their skill in making videos. Just because someone doesn't know how to make a video doesn't mean they don't know what makes a video exciting to watch.

    Another example: Even though 95 percent (don't quote me on that) of gamers don't actually know how to design and develop a videogame, the majority of well-known game devs still listen to the feedback they get from those gamers and use that info to make the game even better.
    #24 Dax, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  5. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Don't challenge Bloo Jay, he makes so many videos and he's GOOD at them, and he knows all about this stuff.

    Well how should he know that you recorded it separately? He was just trying to help you.

    He was not making fun of your voice.
    Look at his list of suggestion.
    He was just trying to help out. How is that in any way making fun of your voice? And yes, you can change your voice. You can make your voice have more clarity, make it louder, put more emotion. etc. That is a problem with me right now. I don't talk all that clear and loud, and my classmates always say that they can't really hear me during my presentations. But do I say, 'NO my voice was super great! Only say good comments. Don't say anything bad!" No, I just try to improve my voice in the future.

    And HOW does just saying that its good help the maker?

    -__- You could always make another one better, or make your next video better. And anyways, most maps here always get updates and stuff.

    After seeing this, I DON'T want you to make a video of any of my maps. And you're not a critic? How does that help? You just say, "That's a good map." WHOA that is so helpful to the makers. And you make hundreds of other videos for other people's maps. I doubt it, considering you don't help them and just say that its a nice map.

    THAT deserves another -_________________-
    HOW did he put it in a negative way? He just gave you suggestions to help you make your next video better.

    NONE of us are trying to bash your thread. We're all just trying to help you out. Why post your video here if you don't want critique?

    After all that, I'm honestly very annoyed how you just think critique is being mean. If I post a map here (which I probably will soon) I would LOVE negative feedback. Even if it's not so helpful, like "It sucks, change the hallway of the second floor" or something like that, I would take it into account and look at the hallway of the second floor and look for faults. I STILL don't see how you think that Aschur was making fun of your voice.

    Now listen here, I may be newer than you, younger than you, and probably stupider than you, but even I know how a forum runs, and that people want feedback, not praise.
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This has dragged on long enough, yes I would like an appology from him for calling me a liar for giving an opinion, however I doubt that will happen. Lets also just forget the fact I have taken proffessional level courses on film design and editing. Do I have as much real experience with making videos? Perhaps not, but that is besides the point.

    I would also like to suggest that in the future, cookie, next time you only want to hear the good things about something either; ask someone blatantly biased to think good things of what you do (perhaps a 12 year old, or your grandmother), or clarify your posts (when you originally make them) that you want to hear what people liked about it.

    Now, instead of dwelling on how much he hates me for trying to help out, or trying to get down to the bottom of WHY he thinks that in the first place, is besides the point of this thread.

    He wants to hear what we liked about the video, however there is nothing that is his own work that I do like. I focused on the format and presentation of the video simply because that is all he really did. He did not write the music, nor did he make the maps, so even if I did like either of those it wasn't something HE should be proud of.

    I can water that all down for you though into something you might like: I liked the maps, they were really cool looking, and the music was wicked sick in the beginning.

    Is that what you want? Because if it is, my opinion of you will be irrevocably ruined.

    EDIT: Everyone needs to calm their **** and just let the thread die if he continues this sort of thinking. I am fine with one person having a retardedly bad opinion of me. (Not fine with being called a liar, but w/e)
    #26 Aschur, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  7. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    He probably wants to hear that.

    Shouldn't we just request a lock for this thread? Look at the way he thinks. But I dunno, I never requested a lock for a thread before.
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I'm at least trying to be courteous about it, if someone comes along that wants to sing songs of praise to him I dont want to stop them.
  9. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My **** are as calm as A-cups, yo. Just trying to help him understand, wasn't attempting to belittle him or anything.
  10. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Its pretty hopeless now. Let's just let this thread die on it own, no need to lock or anything.
  11. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Listen, I never claimed to be the best or that my video was amazing. I don't think I'm Machinima or RWJ. I don't, and I'm sure I can improve. But everyone on here is just being condescending. I think Aschur was rude, yes, and I still stand by that. But you know what? Even if he was rude and incorrect a few times, at least he gave me feedback. Everyone else has just been defending him and talking to me as though I am a little kid who doesn't understand how life works. I SUCK at sports. I SUCK at art. I SUCK at running. If I posted a drawing of mine on here, and you all said it sucked, I would laugh and agree. Forging and video making are amoung my very few talents. And if people have subtle, nice approaches on a suggestion I'm fine with it. But when people create a HUGE list of criticism on one of my videos, especially one of my new videos with my new and imporved format, that I worked really hard on, I can't help but get offended, especially when Aschur goes on to say I did nothing to the video and everything I did he didn't like. I am proud of the video, Aschur. I helped a very nice kid, an unpopular forger, get a little bit more popular. I HLEPED someone. I also made a commentary and edited the video to the best of my ability. So if you don't like my voice that's fine. But I've worked my ass of for 3 years to make the quality I make today and it's one of the few things I'm good at, and to have the first video I ever post on this site get blown up like this disappoints me. The rest of you guys haven't said a damn thing about the video itself; but that's fine. I'm NOT an ignorant fool, I'm NOT a sensative cry-baby, and I sure as hell am not a little kid you need to condescend. I just wanted you guys to see how hard I work on my videos. Oh well.
    #31 CoookkieMonster, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
  12. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    He's learning now.

    Never mind.

    .......We're only trying to help, by giving you constructive criticism.

    Yes, I will admit. You worked very hard. But to push aside all feedback and call it rude? That's not right.

    Yes, I would be somewhat offended if people called something I made bad if I worked very hard on it. But if they are telling me what's wrong and how to improve, I will gladly accept the help. Unlike you, who calls all criticism "rude".
  13. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    yeah, but he was pretty negative about it.

    cookie, I like your maps!

    Cookie SX was the best SX ever made,
    Road to Zion was the best BT in ages,
    But XXplosive ****ing sucked. that was pretty lame.

    But I do respect you quite a lot, and please don't let people get you down, even if they're not trying to. people really like you and what you do, and most of the things Ashur said were pretty trivial IMO.
  14. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    I don't call all criticism rude. Only that of which is rude; not nearly all of it.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    None of his criticism was rude.

    Having said that, this thread can die in peace now. Locked.
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