So, I am in training to make better art. I figured I would share some here with you all and show off some of what I have done as of late. I will update this thread as I create new art if there is interest. You can also see my work here. The above link is to my Deviant Art page, where I post my best or most fun art. Here I will take a select few to show on Forgehub directly, so if you are interested you can go see more in the link above. Comments and criticism are very welcome, It is a large part of the reason i am posting this at all. I welcome new ideas and frankly get not enough as it is. As of now I am still experimenting and very new to most media, and much (if not all) of the photography was just me playing around with my new camera. Still, a few turned out okay, so they have made it here to be shown. ••• September 6, 2012 Update. Gasoline. Linoleum print, black ink on paper. Spoiler The Coast of Fear. Acrylic paint. Spoiler Check. Pen. Spoiler Voyager. Pencil. Spoiler In the Rain. Photography. Spoiler Bird of Paradise. Photography. Spoiler Reflections 1. Photography. Spoiler September 14 2012 Update The Flamingoose. Pen. Inspired by Confused Flamingo. Spoiler See the full story at my blog, if you wish. Crowns for Crows. Literature. Deviant Art link. October 3 2012 Update Torrent. Charcoal. Spoiler Thank you for your time.
I'm not a huge fan of photography, but those prints and sketches look really good. I'm pretty damn good at sketch-drawing, but not much else. Hats off to you.
Feel free to download and use any of them as a desktop theme if you wish. Thanks! Thank you! I dabble in quite a bit of sketching myself, though the usually end up like Voyage and Check did, each taking 6 and 7 hours to complete respectively. My shortest drawing as of late took 2 hours, a fun little charcoal piece. I really appreciate the kind words, thank you so much. Based on the feedback I get here I will also update this thread. I may even throw a few things not in my deviant art up here too. If I were to put more art here, what would you all like to see the most? I have a small collection of sketches, drawings, another painting or two... I also am writing a book as of now. It's not near complete but if literature is something you all might enjoy some excerpts from that could be posted. I also have a separate short story or two I wrote and completed that I can post if people are interested. Give me feedback and I'll give you art.
I like "Tinariwen" and "Gasoline" a lot. Nice work. "Check" is pretty cool also. were those drawn with a reference or from memory? "Voyager" needs some help. her proportions are all derped up... the tree looks decent though. =)
Tinariwen and Gasoline are done from images (both music videos from Tinariwen and The Airborne Toxic Event respectively). Gasoline was originally a charcoal sketch, then I used it as the print you see here. Check is also taken from a reference photo, but only the companion cube is directly. I looked at two different images for both Chell and GLaDOS. Thanks for the compliments! Also, I'm going to unveil a new piece here soon. It's a short story called Crowns for Crows. That's all I'll say about it for now. But yeah, more's coming. [br][/br]Edited by merge: September 14th 2012 Update The Flamingoose. Pen. Inspired by Confused Flamingo. Spoiler See the full story at my blog, if you wish. Crowns for Crows. Literature. Deviant Art link.
Dat Flamingoose... Nice stuff dude, I followed you on dA (Sir-Spffy)! I'm not so much a photography guy (although I still have an appreciation for it, a good number of my irl friends have worked commercially as photographers), but I really dig the sketches and the print. And that pen...I'm trying out Pen for the first time now myself, and that sure beats my efforts at this point! Good stuff!
They're all good in some way or another... But my favorites are the Gasoline one and the Flamingoose one. Check is kinda strange in my opinion. What is it anyway? The Coast of Fear doesn't seem that scary...Or maybe its just my strange brain.
Scorch, thanks. The pen is easy once you figure out how you want to use it. My best suggestion is to search up some pen art and see how others use them, you can learn pretty easily that way. Caught, I appreciate the compliments. Check is fan art from Portal 2, the giant evil robot guarding her companion cube and the woman you only see legs of is Chell. named Check due to the idea of the move in chess called 'check'. The Coast of Fear was a art study project in a class where I took elements from the painting The Companions of Fear (may have gotten the name wrong, but it was by Magritte). So, I named it after that piece. It is not meant to promote fear itself, though the story it tells is an uncertain one, and uncertainty can lead to fear I suppose. Really i just wanted to paint owls.
This is amazing, i dont know THAT much about art, but this really catches my eye. I really like "Coast of fear" it looks amazing! (I like owls, you did an great job painting this one) there is pretty nice detail into "Check" I immediatly saw it was from Portal. And last but not least, your pictures look great but i like the first two a lot more then the last one. And i have an question (maybe its an stupid, i do it anyway ) How do you get such clean pictures of your art? I recently made an pen drawn spartan, a moment in matchmaking and i also want to share that (Also busy on drawing Master Chief, halo 4 style
I used a scanner for most of these, though The Coast of Fear was a photograph taken under a direct light and the Flamingoose was taken with a better camera under a direct light. Scanner is the way to go, but the painting was too large for my scanner and I didnt have access for the flamingoose. Glad you enjoyed them, I'll continue to add more as time goes on. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Nothing new, but here is a new image to go on this thread. If you went to my deviant Art you already saw it, but regardless, here it is. Torrent. Charcoal. Spoiler