About a year ago I was heavily involved in Forge, spending countless hours creating and refining maps of all kinds. I had several maps planned to release to the public soon, but still required additional testing. This long process evidently got the better of me, and along with life’s many distractions (as well as a little game called Skyrim) I put Halo Reach aside and diverted my attention elsewhere. Now, with the impending launch of Halo 4 and its improved mapmaking tools spurring me on, I have done my best to finalize my creations and allow the public to hopefully enjoy them as we have. It seems kind of silly, considering Halo 4 is less than 60 days away. But if nothing else your feedback will help in the future development of my creations and in my humble opinion they are still a blast to play. And so, without further adieu, I present the first of four maps, Bankrupt. Bankrupt follows a simple MLG-inspired design, with two symmetrical levels surrounding a center platform. Each extremity offers a spawning room for Red and Blue team, with an aim to reduce poor respawns. On each side are unique “wings” with varying degrees of height and a sufficient amount of cover to help balance the fact that here you will discover the rocket launcher and the sword. ^corner A ^corner C ^sword spawn ^rocket spawn The lower level features mid to short-range encounters with a select few extensive lines-of-sight allowing for snipers to flex their muscles. The weapon selection and placement is straight out of Halo 3’s The Pit, a map I consider among the greatest. Bankrupt was designed and tested primarily for Slayer, but supports most gametypes. Two-Team, Multi-Team and FFA Slayer all tested commendably. I would suggest at least five players and no more than ten. Overview: Bankrupt is my personal favorite in this Map Pack and the most likely to be remade in Halo 4. I spent an insane amount of time polishing Bankrupt (30+ hours) but there are still some minor things I wished I could easily change as well as conducting additional testing. It’s not perfect, but we’ve certainly enjoyed its evolution and I hope you will too. Let me know what you like and what you do not. Thanks for your time! Download Bankrupt
I like the layout of the map; it seems pretty decent, though the colors are bothering me. They look like a little kids play house or something. Like I said though it has a pretty decent layout, well of at what I can see of it. The aesthetics are the only problem I can see with it so great job for sure. Especially at your rank.
From what I can understand of the pictures (including the overview) your map looks well made. I will agree with FMBB on the aesthetics, though. If you do decide to test this more, please invite me. I'd be glad to come.
Your bottom mid is extremely open and exposed, the plasma grenades hardly add enough of an incentive to move there.
The multi-colored bottom area is simply to help aid player orientation, since the map is symmetrical. Red side, Blue side, etc. That was a design decision I struggled with. One power weapon in the middle or two on each side? I ultimately decided that I would rather promote player movement on the sides. This proved to be ideal in testing as players tended to use the bottom mid often enough to traverse between the two opposing wings. And it’s not as open as you might think. If a player stands directly in the middle not only is he at a lower angle, but he has cover in the immediate vicinity on all four sides. Bankrupt bears some resemblance to a typical MLG design but does not presently support all MLG requirements. A mix of both, if you well. Thanks for the feedback guys. Let me know how it plays as well, if you can get some hands-on gameplay with it.
The middle of the map is the highlight here. (so many colors) this map is nicely well made. I dont think the middle is too open because its like a short cut to get around the map. too much cover will make it too clutered and hard to look at, The players will go there since its center of all the action regardless of what you put in the middle.( think back to Gardian or Lockout )
Well damn, this actually looks alright. As everyone else has said the aesthetics could use some touching up... I'd say rebuild it but since you said it's likely to be remade in Halo 4, then well, forget it I suppose. What's a month, anyway? Just the overall unity of the objects is well, sloppy. For future reference anyway. As for the colors in bottom mid, in the future I'd recommend making the middle structures all the same color; it's easier on the eyes although I understand your need for color orientation on a gray, gray palette. If you really need to distinguish colors, I'd recommend doing so in a slightly less bold fashion. ;_; Unfortunately I can't say much in the gameplay department. Haven't seen a lobby of 8 in well, ever. Good work, nice to see a map that isn't 1v1 room based around here these days...