When I get bored of standard, conventional MM games, and I get a bad map/gametype (or both), I have a habit of making up my own rules to make it more interesting. Little honor rules I play with my friends, usually in a BTB or Headhunter or Elite Slayer game. We've done things like 'Assassinations Only', 'Melee Only', 'Plasma Repeater Only', 'Only get 1 kill with each weapon' (ToD must have 1 kill, this one is a lot of fun in otherwise meh BTB heavies), 'No kills with spawn weapons', 'Only kill people who shoot at your holo', etc. It's actually a lot of fun sometimes, especially with a full team or in those games that you really don't want to play, but don't want to quit (Headhunter/Elite Slayer once again comes to mind). Today I did a very successful run of 'Plasma Pistol Only' which reminded me about this in a game of FFA Elite Slayer on Sword Base. Surprisingly, I managed to squeeze a win out. All 25 kills done with the Plasma Pistol. It was hilarious; I saved the clip for bragging rights and lulz. But yeah, just wanted to ask, does anyone have any similar experiences to share? I thought it would contrast well with the 'Worst Thing in Matchmaking' thread, so you can jump from bitching about randoms to laughing at hilarious games with them.
I remember one time I organized a whole BTB game to have a truce, and spent the next 15 minutes making human ladders and blowing up huge piles of ****. Final score: -14 to -26. We won.
I haven't done this before but I definitely see the appeal. Some part of me just loves getting kills and winning games too much to screw around. But I do play with some guys that do stuff like that. One friend of mine is a "green gun" expert - he runs around killing people with just the plasma pistol and occasional melee, yelling "GREEN GUN!" into the mic all the while. He's actually ranked as one of the top plasma pistol users on one of those Halo stat sites.
I've only done something like that in Halo 3. I made a 1-month GT and played lone wolves without firing my gun (in other words, just melee and grenades). It was pretty fun for a while.
Not me, but I thought you might like to see a few games where MLG players do this kind of thing. First, a Halo 3 classic. Final Boss win a game of Oddball without firing a single shot, only melee and nades: Final Boss (an MLG team) Winning in style: part 1 - YouTube Final Boss (an MLG team) Winning in style: part 2 - YouTube And now the Reach MLG craze of going massively negative then coming back to win: -78 Comeback Special Tactics while running with Classic - YouTube Pretty sure that was the highest (or lowest, depending on how you look at it) one, there were like 3 or 4 instances where players kept trying to go more and more negative but still win. I seem to remember this being the pinnacle.
Sorry, I'm kind of too busy either (1) getting the highest amount of kills in every game I play or (2) playing another game because I've become massively bored of Halo Reach.
This post contributes a LOT to the conversation at hand.I used to do this all the time with a few friends of mine back when we played Halo 3 a ton. It was great. Definitely a great way to pass the time on maps or gametypes you don't want to play. One that sticks out in my mind was a game on The Pit where we all crouch walked the entire game and won. Granted the other team was pretty trashy, but still, it was awesome.
Back in H3 I'd usually do games with just melee and nades, and was quite good at it, with most of them being wins. But a far as Reach goes, I rarely do that. What I do in Reach is try to put myself in severely stupid scenarios just to see if I can make it out alive. It doesn't have to be set of limitations in a game where I follow a strict set of rules, instead, it's more like a spur of the moment, "This dude has rockets, I'll try to plasma repeater him to death" type of thing.
This, mostly because I had a plasma repeater and I wanted those rockets. Only preplanned thing i do because i play a lot of BTB is i choose to Only fight in vehicles or fight vehicles avoiding any infantry vs infantry combat.
I don't mean to doubt the veracity of your claim, good sir, but (checks your stats)... I officially doubt the veracity of your claim.
Sometimes in big team I'll decide to go for only splatters, or as many wheelmans as possible. In FFA I like to use as many weapons as possible, I really like when I have like 18 kills but the tool of destruction is only 3 or 4 of them
I did the same thing. But I just laughed and moved on. When someone makes a claim like that, I have to check their stats. And when your stats are worse than mine, youre are not very good. At all. Sorry. On topic: I can't do stuff like that. I'm (surprisingly) to competitively natured to **** around. I'm always trying to win. And ya know, wreckin fools gettin the highest score. Every game. lol
Usually I play competitively, but sometimes... Hog Potato on Hemorrhage? How about no. Elite Slayer on Sword Base? No me gusta. Headhunter on Tempest? Let's play 'One Kill ToD' instead. Only for stuff like that, where it's really all up for grabs anyway (and I'm not in a full party, if I am, we vote these down or win swiftly to move on) and I'm just...not in the mood. I only do this in like 5% of all my games. But damn, is it funny. And Peg, I'd totally try the no gun objective with a full-party. That looks like a lot of fun! Also ND, I'm also apparently 101st globally on HTR for Competitve Plasma Pistol kills in Reach from my shenanigans. Hehe. I might try to match your friends record in the time between now and H4! I'll be honest, I was expecting more people to have done this sort of thing. I generally play hard, but... Huh. Color me surprised.
Because of this attitude (1)K/D whores or Meta whores (2)Unjust rage towards reach, Now halo 4 is coming out everyone's realizing they went a bit hard on reach. Idk if it still exists in matchmaking but I sometimes play TeamSlayer with bloom and purposely don't pick up DMR just to force myself to use other weapons and it feels rewarding when you win and if you lose still fun way to play the game other then the normal meta way.
I'm not a frequent visitor to Halotracker so it took me a minute to find this. Here's the guy and his weapon stats - he's #17 overall in competitive plasma pistol kills. I think for a while he was #1, but he is easily bored and switches accounts sometimes; that probably hurt him. Halotracker: Halo Reach Stats for The Hug Machine The funniest part to me is his plasma pistol k/d. What a green gun tryhard.
Oh damn, never mind, I'm not catching up to that haha Also, that's quite the nice name he has. I'm jealous.
I know. He's a funny guy too, but also kind of a douche. Which is why I enjoy playing with him. I may have to pick some dumb weapon to try to get millions of kills with in Halo 4. I spread the love around in Reach - I'm not ranked significantly with any weapon right now.
I'm gonna try PP from the get-go. Now that I can spawn with it in any gametype with loadouts, and not just Elite Slayer, I'm gonna make a "Screw it, let's PP on them" loadout and go crazy every now and then. It's pretty damn hard in BTB, but you often get a lot of EMP assists if you use the PP liberally on any odd Ghost or Warthog you stumble upon. Either that or Boltshot kills, but I suspect that will be a bit more common. It all depends on how the two function really. I just find it to be a nice way to wind down after a game of rage or something. I mean, it's a game. This is one of the best ways I find to remind myself of that when I need to.