Hey this is CoookkieMonster. I run a YouTube channel called ProForgeRacing where we have racing tournaments, forge contests, map reviews, forger reviews (reviews of their best maps), some Halo 3 gameplays, some Trials Evolution, and a lot more! We mostly focus on Halo Forging though. This is the latest video in my series called "Halo Reach ForgER Reviews", I hope you enjoy! http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcbJYKJcsSc VIDEO FORMAT WILL STAY AS IS, NOT LOOKING FOR TIPS OR ADVICE
You should probably credit the people whose music you used in the video somewhere, other than that I don't really have much to say about it that you can change.
My bad, I didn't bother to go to the actual page the video is on, I just was judging by the content in the video. However, now looking at that, I don't see credit to Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria. That bit in the intro is part of that song. This is it: Spoiler Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home - YouTube Specifically, it is near the end.
I was told I didn't have to worry about that by the people who partnered me on YouTube. If you have any actual feedback about the video as opposed to 13 seconds of a song that is in the intro then feel free to share it.
Like I said, of the things you can change, that is all I could think of at the time, I can however list things I didn't like that I don't think will be feasible for you to change. In fact I did think of some that you could change pretty easily too; • Voice: sounds nasally, unsure if that is simply how your voice is or if you have a cold. My voice generally suffers from a similar problem. • Video structure: you don't have the maps in any real order or grouping, and the reviews tend to ramble, as result of what seems to be just going ad lib and having no script or notes written down of points that you want to make. • Lack of information: you seem to not know a whole lot about a few of the maps, don't play them with other people (so you cannot give a true review for those maps), and compounded with the structure it just ends up sounding like you don't know what to say about the maps in places. Suggestions: • Put more emotion into your speech, it can go a long ways for keeping people interested in watching. • Capture the video and audio separately. As in, first record the video, take notes on the footage, then record the commentary after the fact. Then put the two together when you make the video, it requires more work but results in higher quality end product. • Group the maps of same types together in the video. Say you had 3 capture the flag maps, 2 conquest maps, and 2 infection maps you reviewed in a single video, you should keep them grouped like that rather than having them separated. • A script. Or at least a general outline of what you want to say and point out, trying to stay away from saying "it's got like a" or "umm" or "stuff" they detract from the content you should be presenting. of course this is overlooking problems with accrediting musicians for their work, but since you seem to not be worried about that I will drop it. I tried to keep it related to the content of the video rather than the intro or music.
I absolutely record the audio and video seperately. The maps are grouped chronologically to show how the forger improves over time, putting maps in groups as you suggested makes no sense. I do plan out what I'm going to say but talking for 15 straight minutes isn't always easy. I have been making videos for almost 3 years so you don't need to tell me how to make them, that's absurd. And I can't help if I have a nasily voice or if I'm sick, to even mention that is just rude. I credited all music I'm required to and did so properly. I put this on here to introduce my channel to people and for people to enjoy the video, not for random people to tell me how to do what I've been doing for years. Nice try though.
To be fair, you said you were open to his feedback. Learn to take constructive criticism lightly (whether it's wrong or right is besides my point). Potential viewers/subscribers find it off-putting/disconcerting when someone's so defensive of their work.... and this is talking from years of making maps, videos, graphics, etc.
Almost all of what he said was false and he only said it to try to make my video seem flawed. And making fun of my voice is not CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, it's simply criticism, which is unnecessary. And I have years of forging and video editing myself, but that's besides the point. If his criticism was constructive then I would have been open to it, but it was false and rude. Plus I put this video on here for people to watch not for people to scrutinize, but unfortunately everybody on the entire internet is mean to others because they can hide behind the safety of their computer screens. I've made great quality videos for years and I put this video up so that people can check out my channel, end of story. If you like it, subscribe, if you don't then go to another forum topic.
Cmon now, he was just trying to help. I also don't see why you are so offended by the voice remark. It might be who of you to look up voice-clarity exercises to increase the quality of your video. I also agree that you need to have a more improved guideline of what you are going to say. Remember, I'm not trying to be a troll and make you mad, I just want to help make your videos even better. Here is some resources that may help you: http://www.wikihow.com/Improve-Your-Clarity-of-Speech Ken Robinson - "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."
To make fun of me for having a cold is mean. I didn't post this video for advice, I have been recording 15+ minute commentaries (which are not easy) for years now. I posted it for people to enjoy. If you have something nice to say about it, feel free to share. Take all negative vibes elsewhere.
I think off the bat you should understand one thing about Forge Hub, and that is we are all about constructive feedback, and it is understood that a level of harshness is simply people trying to not leave anything out. I have seen this a few times before where someone feels offended by this, not quite understanding how things work here, and that is totally understandable. On the whole we are a pretty harsh lot. However, I want you to know Cookie that no one here is trying to insult you or your video. It may come off that way at times, and it is understandable that it may seem a bit offensive from a different viewpoint than our own, but 99% of Forge Hub members are here to try to be helpful, and though it may seem unusual at first it soon becomes second nature. Unfortunately, this also means very few members will want to post praise for the video, being more inclined to look for flaws in order to help the creator fix them (these tips should usually be taken lightly, though I would suggest thinking them through for a while to see if they are really what is needed or not.) Because of this, most members will read the quote, "If you have something nice to say about it, feel free to share. Take all negative vibes elsewhere." as a refusal to listen to feedback, and they will then see you as arrogant for this reason (not an implication, just what it will appear to be to other users.) As I have said, FH is based around constructive criticism, so what appears as negativity here is more likely to be someone legitimately trying to help out. The fact that someone has stopped to watch your video and provide a lengthy feedback shows that they have some level of dedication to helping out, as if they were not interested in seeing it improve why would they have spent so much time on the feedback? I know you are probably rather angry at the user who posted the feedback, but remember that this is a website for constructive feedback and that others may not know your expectations when you post something here. I hope this helps to resolve the matter, I really hate it when we have these misunderstandings and a few have gotten rather ugly before. Thank you for reading. Flying Shoe ILR
I appreciate the lengthy comment Flying Shoe ILR. Although I disagree with the idea to pick out the flaws in something than the good in something, and although I didn't post this video for any criticism good or bad, and although making fun of someone's voice is a nasty thing to do, and although most of those who commentred were rude and sided with the arrogant person who first left their comment, I appreciate what YOU have had to say and you resolved the matter as much as you could. I still think the original commenter left a comment that was far from constructive as well as false information. I am a member of several forging sites, as well as other Halo sites, and this is the only one where I ever feel offended...
No worries man, but looking around you will notice that most of of the feedback here is like that, and generally it is not considered any of those things. But overall I just wanted to keep this from becoming a big problem. Edit: One last thing, if you do post something and you are not looking for criticism in the future it might be best to physically write out that you are not planning on making any changes or interested in feedback.
Since you don't really want feedback, I'll leave this behind: I found most of the tracks rather interesting, and really enjoyed the musical accompaniment.
......You disagree with the idea to pick out the flaws? So then what do you want us to say? It's great, it's awesome? That doesn't really help you at all, does it? Also, you say Aschur was making fun of your voice? He wasn't making fun. He was just trying to help out, by telling you that your voice sounded kinda weird, and gave you advice on how to help it. What false information? How was it false? You should be happy that Aschur helped you so much. He even gave this whole list of suggestions, on how to make it better. Would you succeed in life if your parents just said you were great, awesome, did everything right? If you do something wrong, they should tell you that you are wrong, and help you to fix it. If you fix it, you will be better and learn more. I'm STILL confused on how in the world you thought he was making fun of your cold.