I see what you mean... looking at the last page, almost all replies are huge quotes and replies. I'm pretty sure that the Battle rifle has no bloom. Anyway, I think i might use the BR a little more, because I have realized that I am terrible. Terrible. TERRIBLE. With a DMR. I realized that when I lost in the smackdown contest. 1st match: 15-3. Second match:15-2... [br][/br]Edited by merge: WAIT actually 15-4 on the first game.
Thats actually a good thing bro, probably it will be really awesome to have both weapons in matchmaking. It will change some gameplay default settings.
I like the BR better for all ranges, but I like the DMR for longer ranges, but not up close. But we'll see how it all translates into the game once released I guess.
If I can't have in depth specific discussions here on a thread about specific topic on a halo related forum to learn things develop my understanding of certain topics and share my complicated opinions, Where can I? Prime example: This could summarize all my posts. Someone could have a different post and say "They don't". End of discussion. Everyone has different opinions that's nothing new but having in depth discussion you learn why how and what the reasons are for the different opinions on this specific topic helps as players how to understand the game better and play better and as a game designers to help understand mindsets to forge great maps for specific play styles. To me the latter way of posting is better when people want to and don't troll/rage even if it requires little more scrolling. As for panda I would suggest reading the posts for some info to help you if you ever need to tell someone why you like that the DMR sucks at CQC.
As for the first part, there is something that we can agree on. But did I forget to mention that the DMR, when spammed accurately at AR range, will probably be kill faster than the BR up close? If the max ROF is so close to the precise (pacing) ROF that spamming (max ROF) doesn't provide a significant advantage, there might as well be no bloom.
Should of reworded my post to:"why you would like the DMR to suck at CQC." I haven't studied the ROF of weapons in Halo 4 which the only way of knowing would be using recordings of weapons firing, using video editing software to view them frame by frame and making assumptions about the spamming/pacing(if player was going at max ROF without error,etc) and comparing them side by side, Unless 343i released the info. We where just hoping that the BR>DMR at close range in halo 4. Even if the DMR does more potential damage in close range meaning it can kill faster I'm hoping the BR is more reliable in close range to make the BR>DMR in close range.
i think maybe he just meant that you can just reply instead of quoting the entire wall of text you are replying to so people have to scroll through it again, and then writing your own wall of text.
re: br>dmr cqc i think its already been said that that is the case, plus it is pretty apparent in the many gameplay videos that are out there. pretty sure that the dmr will only beat the br at close range when it is in the hands of a skilled player who is landing headshot after headshot. its also apparent that the br is not as long range as it used to be. ive seen some lucky(?) long range kills with it in videos, but mostly it seems suited for midrange. pretty obvious that the br and light rifle are the midrangers and the carbine and dmr are the longrangers. imo
Are you joking about it being hard to scroll down? I hope that writing my responses after each paragraph is better, because otherwise nobody (not even the person who I'm replying to, if that's the only person reading it) can quickly see which point responds to which. @Titmar, if you're responding to me questioning whether the DMR is better than close range because of spamming, by close range or Close Quarters Combat I mean AR range. I don't mean closer range. The reason why it's important is that classic style gametypes (even if only in customs) will not want to give mauler equivalents or plasma pistols as starting weapons, nor viable AR/ Storm rifles, so having qualities of an AR (bloom-randomness, not rewarding precision, splitting the utility rifle even more) is going to be a problem, because I'm guessing that the DMR is going to be a frequent choice of secondary (because of the BR's long range randomness).
It can be said br>dmr in cqc and it can look like br>dmr but until its actually played by a lot of people in many games can't really gauge if that's true or not yet. (Because No one has mastered the "meta game" yet) I would like BR>DMR if both players are equally skilled in CQC. But Skilled players with medium range weapons should>unskilled players CQC weapons. It's really hard to say involving only human weapons because maybe other races weapons fill the gaps and to make it a more complicated version of RPS. (Maybe the carbine or the Promethean weapon fills the longer range "rock" in RPS and the DMR is just a slightly longer range BR "Paper" so it could be fine)
Well, when I see a huge wall of text, I go like: "this is too long." So I don't bother reading it. A better way of doing it: Incoming: Huge wall of text Spoiler Whatever your huge thing that you post goes here. And break it up into a few different spoilers. Also, after seeing the BR, looks like I'll use it more than the DMR. I probably wont use the DMR, the Carbine looks better.
agreed on that much! carbine ftw. i am also really anxious to see how the light rifle compares. it looks amazing (design) but from watching people play with it in videos so far, it seems like its something that takes a bit to get the hang of.
I know that many won't read it. I was saying that I don't think that it's hard, or an inconvenience to scroll down to the bottom of it. This thread just so happened to be the worst (for you) case of it. I thought that "wall of text" meant text which wasn't seperated into small paragraphs, (which I am also sometimes guilty of) such that it's hard to read. Are you saying that anything long is a "wall of text"?