Well, Here's another map! BACKGROUND- MLG Chrome is my newest and I must say my best map yet. It was made in 2 and a half days [ on and off ] I didn't really want help on this map since I purely wanted a map made on my own. Chrome started off as a fail in a Previous map of mine. Well the map was alright itself it really wasn't meant to be played on though, it was a Very small symmetrical map centered around Boxed Braces! The layout was horrid the looks were drab and it was Just a big mess. Since I saw this as such a Disappointment I started on Chrome. I drew everything out, it was going to be a Straight forward Vertical map and then I stared forging it and realized how Broken it was. I tried everything I could to fix it But it all came down to me having to scarp the design I only kept the Structural Input I had thought of before I started the build. Inspiration for Chrome came from MLG Sanc [ See Picture 4 ] and MLG The Pit [ mainly the layout/ gameplay ]. The rockets lay in a pretty stressed area right above CP, and at a Height advantage not a huge one though since there's not alot of, " dancefloor " ; the two tall and thin are for cover. Flag initially spawns right above, i did this mainly for the Height advantage [ Again not a huge one ] and for the long LoS; Sniper spawns right next to flag, Lift included. Chrome has its name for a reason not just cause it sounds cool its because Chrome is metal, metal is occasionally Gray, yes I know Forgeworld is gray itself but on this map the way I express the metallic and gray feel and how I mix it up with the inclines it feels really Chrome - like. Well to me at least. _________________________________________________________________________________ In version 4.0 the Spawns well be hauled Completely and so well other things! Gametypes: Team Slayer | CTF | Oddball | FFA Weapons/Equipment -6x DMRs -2x Needler Rifles -2x Plasma Pistols -2x Sniper Rifles -1x Grenade launcher -1x Rocket launcher -4x Frags -2x Plasma's -4x Health Packs -1x Custom Powerup Pictures! Yay! Arial view; Basically the initial Layout: Blue Load camera; this shows Blue Hut [ Building on the right ] and Blue Bridge [ Grenades ]: Back wall; here is where most of the flag pushes are 'attempted' it doesn't always work out too well considering its a choke point and Very open: Blue [ or red ] Court; Probably the least visited place on the map since no one whats to be pined down whereas everyone is at high points in cover: Blue Bridge; Holding grenades Blue bridge is not somewhere you want to be for long: Blue Hall; leading to bottom Orange and Green Blue Hall is where first shoots happen - Lots of traffic: Blue Sniper and Flag: Blue Needler; connecting to top orange ; this picture is only here to show height variation: Top Orange: Bottom Green: Top Green: I want to thank a few people before ending this: - First all of those amazing playtesters for the great feedback - Xinshu for the constructive criticism, and saying this map is like Warlock, Sanc, and Nexus had a baby. - Liex for being Liex - Death by dogs for being there for me since the First Version - and finally xEasyTragetx for Helping Shape the map itself. Thank you for your time - Feedback is very welcome
I see lots of pillars to circle around and avoid your enemy (is that still a thing in MLG?). I wish the layout picture was working so i could actually see how it all is put together. It also seems like some places have little LoS to other places, which would lean more on the bad in my opinion for MLG. Still looks pretty good for gameplay. I like the aesthetics and the bottom pits just like in The Pit. This is all just from the pictures and may be wrong in one (or all) of these aspects. Good Job.
Do you mean like railings ? I left most of the bridges open because I didn't expect there to be a lot of camping and Railings would defeat the reason.
Chrome looks great. The aesthetics are quite clean and there aren't any noticeable "eww" locations in terms of lighting. Object use is quite consistent If you look on your overview picture, the path from the blue and red bridges to top orange seems somewhat constricted to me. Is the path actually that narrow or is it just me?
Personally, I don't think railings are necessary. There are a few general changes I'd suggest: More/wider ramps from the lower level to the upper level - There are two ramps on each side, which are each only 1 unit wide (would be better at 2 units). I'd try to replace some of your jump ups and your lifts with ramps. Too cramped in the center - In green, your 1X3's (?) used for cover are poorly positioned, and just seem in the way. In orange, I feel like that whole bridge needs to be wider. Right now the 1X1 Tall and Thins break up the cross map line of sight as intended, but there's not enough dance floor there. Also, where the edge of the maps curves inward there, it cuts off the natural movement paths from red/blue (along the outside edges of the map). In Custom area, your entrances from red/blue into this are are too skinny/cramped. The Brace, Large's on the sides should be removed or repositioned to open this area up so it's not so cut off from the rest of the map. I'd also consider opening up a walkway up to top green from here. Basically, your center areas restrict movement too much, and you should try to make their flow from red/blue more intuitive, and also try to create movement options between the center areas themselves (from top green to custom, possibly from orange to custom). Utilize the corners of the map better - For example, look at the top left/right corners of your overview pic. Those corners just don't feel right. They feel disconnected. Imagine this... Look at the top right of your overview pic, at the Brace, Large walkway directly above/behind the initial blue spawn. Moving towards that corner, imagine extending that walkway up beyond where it currently turns to the left (while still leaving the current walkway), and then have it connect directly to the lower level by adding a ramp that goes off to the left, under your other walkway. Or you could do it the opposite way and have the ramp connect right where the initial spawns are. This is just an example of what could possibly be done.
- In version 4.0, many of the jump ups are replaced with ramps so the Courtyard doesn't seem like a death Pit. And I'll really take in to consideration Chunk, how you said there should be pathways through top green to bottom ... and Making the top orange dance floor wider .
In the pics I see some places have a roof and others dont. Is your map closed in or open in afew places