I believe I talked to Erupt about this, but it would be nice to have a variety of objects that are blank and you're able to select the texture to it. I would just like a new forge to start fresh. Glad the BR is back ♥
Same ranking system as reach, forge should have things like wood, rock, metal, forerunner, covenant, flood, human, and other textures for each (or a lot of) objects. Also, ff forge, and 24 to 32 person multiplayer, and a way to join people's custom games who aren't friends (to get bigger lobbies easier). Also, forgeable scarabs, pelicans, phantoms, ect...
I have been hoping for forgeable pelicans and phantoms just think what amazing invasion games you could make.as for textures I was thinking the same thing here is a list of textures that would be cool Human Unsc Covenant Forrunner Flood tainted Broken(you could obviously go through holes) Plasma melted As for things that would be for catagories here is natural Rock all the rocks of reach and more Rocks mossy Tree one (pine) Tree two (pine) Tree three (deciduous) Tree four (deciduous) Terrain bump (you would use this to make hills and mountains) Terrain depression (this one would make lakes rivers etc. River slow River fast River rapids You could adjust the width of the rivers Sand Grass Grass long Grass medium Snow Effects Space (you would fill an area the same way as putting kill boundaries and it would turn that area into space with zero gee) Day Night Sunset Sunrise Midday If they could find a way around frame rate drops Rain Snow Machinery Covenant generator 1 Human generator 1 Forrunner generator1 Covenant generator 2 Human generator 2 Forrunner 2 Covenant terminal 1 Covenant terminal 2 Covenant terminal 3 Human terminal 1 Human terminal 2 Human terminal 3 Forrunner terminal 1 Forrunner terminal 2 Forrunner terminal 3 Covenant display (think of the big globe in the control room on the ship you board on the mission long night of solace) Human display 1 a hologram of a unsc frigate that points out damage etc Human display 2 think of the blue room displays on sword base Human displays 3 think of the breakable terminals on powerhouse A.I You could path the A.I and set them to peaceful or mean All the forms of flood All the races of covenant Humans Civilian Marine Pilot Spartan Scenery Crates Barriers Flood tainted Flood egg sacks etc etc all the scenery of reach and halo 3 plus more I also saw that someone wanted a copy and paste tool that would be extremely useful if you could rotate what you copied I also want mechanics doors and barriers that open without using explosives think of the doors on standoff or the active barrier on last resort I have a great mechanic for the active barrier but it uses explosives
I think halo 4 would be amazing if they just took the halo 3 game and changed the title to halo 4. That game was perfect and if they tweak it too much it might end up bad. Thats just how I feel at least. Looking forward to a good forge/custom game setup in halo 4 and hopefully old weapons from halo 3
Hate to be the one to burst some bubbles, but forgeable Pelicans, Scarabs, Phantoms, and AI, waterfall, simply aren't going to happen. No current or future map is feasibly able to support such things. Sorry. As for what I want: A variety of different themes; Covenant pieces, Human themes, whatever Drivable forklifts and other such "civilian" vehicles Forgeable, breakable glass Elites in multiplayer (custom games aren't enough, 343i) More of the small, decorative forge items. Think of the items you could forge in High Ground. Actually, just give us every existing forge object from both Reach and 3. The flamethrower
Figured they wouldn't I didn't think they will but this is what do we WANT in halo four not what will be in halo 4 so I just said what would be cool
Something I've wanted for a while now: Transport Warthog on a map something like on an adaptable forge pallet. Or at the very least, the ability to spawn a turretless warthog.
well ive expressed my forge wishes. there are still alot more i can write but i dont feel like writing a novel so for vehicles. i rather like the falcon but i waish you could have more kinds of falcons suvh as transport falcons without the turrets but four seats you can get in that would act like the seats on a hornet. objective carriers should be able to ride in them. also the anti-air wraith.[/img] this would be cool especially if it could lock on like the rocket hog does. maybe have the gauss hog have to charge up to shoot much like the spartan lazer and get rid of the glitch that will send the round through forgable blocks. also brute chopper and even though people didnt use the prowler much it was actually a good vehicle if you had communication and good teamwork with your driver. those vehicles from halo two that could carry the ghosts would be nice to have as a transport vehcile and they could pick up ghosts and act just like they do in campaign. obviously i want pelicans and phantoms and maybe a spitit? the ghost the banshee all the vehicles in reach except for the revenant. and the shade turrets you encounter on new alexandria that are not weak as hell.and hold on. a vulture. imagine btb and transporting the whole team in a game of btb invasion along with a vehcle or two. ive decided im going to make a post like this and my forge post for every catagorie i can think of. why because i have nothing better to do. i will continue to update these posts as i will continue to come up with more ideas. update 1: this looks cool as hell.never rode one or anything.all i know is that its called the sparrowhawk. this anti-air gun you can see this in some places of the reach campaign. this would come especially handy if they did include phantoms pelicans and spirits. think of the amazing maps people woud make.especially with pelicans and phantoms to fly in. if they included this and a tyrant gun. from reach. the tyrant gun could be destroyed the same way as in reach and would take two players to operate it so that it couldnt be overpowered. same with this gun.
Hey, one year later and it turns out my idea/prediction was accurate! Halo 4 News – Details & Updates – Flood in Infection
Well done. Here's a cookie. Seriously can't wait for this. Imagine coming up behind people and ripping their arms off like Chubaka.