Sacrement has not been a major map success story, but with some advice from the Testers Guild (Thanks to Auburn and Caughtsword). I decided to rebuild Sacrement in a new way. The main reason being because I personally think that the map is too small to make major changes. But feel free to argue wether or not that the Old Sacrement can manage the new features. The plan is to make the 'new' Sacrement larger and less clustered. Keeping some of the original map and throwing in some new features. All whilst keeping the rapid pace of Sacrement. So I managed to get some sketches quickly down on the idea, which I was acutlly thinking about asleep . Ground Level: The new ground floor will keep the centre atrium, and the corridors, but will have several major differences. The players will spawn in elevated rooms behind the corridors, offering them three routes. Two take players down to the corridor whilst the third takes you to the catwalk. The corridor will be expanded even further to accomidate a new room or Atrium on a new part of the map. The central main tunnel will connect the two atriums together. The 'old' atrium will hold the CPU, the 'new' one will hold the only GL. The new atrium will allow players to go up to the upper level also. First Level (Sorry on the orientation, Camera did it for some reason) On the old Sacrement, there were two very small bridges. One was a hard one whilst another was linked by teleporters. Both will be gone from the New Sacrement and a single, large catwalk will be present, linked to both Spawn Rooms and the GL Atrium (via another tunnel) This catwalk will move around a kill ball above the central atrium. Teleporters: The map will feature teleporters again. The ones on the Docks will still be there, but this time, they will be senders which will connect with recivers in the GL Atrium (Repesented as Squares for senders and triangles for Recievers) Another set of teleporters will like the two spawn rooms together, but will not spawn straight away so the players have to advance into the other three routes. Central Atrium (CA): The central atrium will remain similar to the orginal, this time though the platform with CPU will be a pit rather than Ramped Platform. GL Room: The GL Room will be octanal/hexagal is shape, and will feature ramps allowing players to get to a first floor bridge which spans the room and leads to a tunnel to the central atrium. Weapons: DMRs NRs ARs 1 GL Repeaters Can people let me know if this new Sacrement will work? Do so either through the thread or via message. I've got plans to rename the map Sacrfice, but let me know if you want to Keep the name Sacrement in play. There was advice on how Sacrement could be expanded on the testers guild, check it out if you want to see and slightly clearer picture on it, it may also help you detiemine whenever or not Sacrement can withstand the new features or a new Sacrement based map would be best. Thanks guys.
Do you purposefully spell map names wrong? I've noticed that you tend to miss a letter or two quite often... Anyway, "work" is very subjective. It's quite difficult to understand the new layout because of the sideways orientation and separate nature of the second picture. You might also want to try the map sketch thread, which is now sadly on the second page here: I would say the best thing is to combine the two ideas. The only thing that seems apparent to me now is that the high ground is even more OP. There are no counter positions to it, whereas before one could telespam on the docks and use the higher bridge to counteract the telebridge (and even that was OP). The delayed two-way seems like a cheap way to add an extra route through the map. Plus it's delayed, which I find is frowned on. If you're into sketching things, you might want to try this computer sketching program: Trimble SketchUp It's one of the easier CAD programs to work with, and you can find quick tutorials on the tools on Youtube and good examples of Sketchup at work in the map sketch thread, linked above.
I can see your point on the catwalk. I've already began forging the map a little, so I will see what I can do about a Counter position, or I will throw a man cannon on to get people to the catwalk as an alternate route.
A counter position would be optimal. A man cannon would just lead more people to go up to the catwalk and die / camp.
Yay I feel special Also, some advice. I really dislike kill balls in my opinion, its better to just place softkill/kill zones. Some spots look like they can be camping spots, such as the docks, but I can't tell much by the pictures.
@caughtsword I disagree with your thoughts on the docks. The routes from the bases make it difficult to see all entrance points at once.
The ideas I illustrated weren't meant to be taken literally, haha. They were just some loose suggestions. I would suggest that you redesign the upper level so that it's more than an extended catwalk, work on shortening some of those connections, and try to add some height variation in there. Since it seems you're steering toward a room-based design, I suggest that you replace the corridors with actually rooms as well to provide more dancefloor and movement options. From there you could even add some better connections between each room with the improved height variation. Uhm, a good example of the general idea I'm thinking about is Worthy. It's a simple four-room design, but the use of height variation adds several viable options as well as complexity. With that said, that whole idea is a fairly large step from what you currently have although this isn't bad as it is.
I looked at some of the posts already, but I was quite near completing the map layout. Its still not to late though if it is a good idea to change the corridors into rooms or make rooms along the corridors. Or to find out the best ways of making sure the new catwalk (which has been redesigned in a sense) isnt OP. Going to try and make some parts of the corridors into rooms, particularly near the tunnels to the CA. But, heres the Overview, its not got walls or asthetics yet, but this is what the layout looks like: Constructive Critism Please:
I still feel like the top is overpowered, but if you insist on keeping the map as it is, you could put in some kind of connection between the docks and the area above. The top would still be overpowered, but at least the flow would be better. You might also want to block LoS in the middle of the top floor with something hard rather than a killball.
Got it, I will do that. I will see if I can find some form of counter position also. I will try and get additional rooms in too.