Halloween is around the corner, and I was talking to my girlfriend about it and how its both of our favorite holidays, but neither one of us usually dress up for it. Well this time around I want to change it, and actually put some effort into it. But the problem is, I don't know what to be. She suggested Robin. :l And I was thinking more of Scout, but no one around here in oklahoma would know who Scout was, and if you haven't realized, I'm not an average sized guy. Some people say I'm "dainty." So yeah... Any suggestions? You can go ahead and post what you're gonna dress up as for halloween I suppose.
I want to dress up to look like Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day. Although that's because I already look like him, except I don't wear punk stuff.
This year I'm predicting we'll see a lot of way too skinny Banes (from tdkr), a bunch of guys dressed up like that Gangnam guy, and a lot of people dressed up as super heroes (Avengers). So, you know, you could always go as one of those.
Realistically speaking I'll probably go as a three-hole-punch version of myself or something equally as lame and easy to pull off.
You could go as a helicopter, I was going to do that one year, but I never could figure out how to keep the cardboard rotors in place.
My friend went as an incredibly detailed refrigerator right down to the light that turns on when you open it.