
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by cluckinho, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    by cluckinho10​

    Canary is my submission to the Flag Reset Contest, supporting TU Capture the Flag. The goal when creating this map was to allow players to come up with strategies when attempting to capture the opponent's flag. I wanted flag runners to think to themselves "Should I take the quick route on the ground floor, or take the safer, but slower route on the catwalks above?" I wanted capturing the flag on this map to be a dynamic experience overall, letting players choose what they want to do and not be forced to take a designated route. Sneaking the flag around the outskirts of the map is a fun alternative to running it straight up the middle.

    I also wanted to create a flag map that utilized vehicles, even with the small player count of the contest. At first I chose Warthogs, but they didn't work out to well because 3/4 of the team can be in it. So I went with two Ghosts; they ended up filling the support role that I was seeking to have on Canary. They serve as a great protector to flag carriers, and the catwalks are a risky path to take in a Ghost, but you may end up helping your team earn a capture.

    Though I must admit, while Team Slayer, Assault and Slayer are supported, I have never tested the map with them. I have only played TU Capture the Flag on Canary, so if you end up trying to play some of the other supported gametypes, there might be some issues. Rest assured though, CTF has thoroughly been tested and tweak. Anyway, onto the screenshots!













    Rocket Launcher x1 (180s)
    Shotgun x2 (90s)
    Grenade Launcher x2 (100s)
    DMR x6 (30s)
    NR x2 (30s)
    AR x2 (30s)
    Plasma Pistol x2 (45s)
    Focus Rifle x1 (120s)
    Ghost x2 (120s)​

    That's all. Thanks for taking the time to view my map thread, I'd love to hear some feedback.
    #1 cluckinho, Sep 14, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I think I've seen this map before... did you post it somewhere else?
  3. Paradis3

    Paradis3 Promethean

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    I think the map would be a little more interesting if you removed the rocket launcher. The ghost is already at a disadvantage if players aren't on ground. Keep the grenade launcher on.
    The focus rifle seemed a little useless...
    Players would run to cover by the time I took out their shield.
    replace the focus rifle with a sniper rifle.
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I like the looks of this, though I don't feel the rockets should be in that position. A more open and lower spot would be better for such a strong pick-up. Other than that Canary looks solid, nice work. Invite me to play Halo some time.

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